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waikiki suburb

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Guest Dave11

Waikiki is a good area if you are on the "beachside" If you can get children into RC school cost not to bad they be better of. Close to train 1hr to airport 45-60min to perth driving. Lived here 23 years so I know what its like!

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Go to this website http://www.myschool.edu.au/

Put in Waikiki

There are two primary schools listed. Go to the graphs at the bottom where it says results in numbers. That is the results of the NAPLAN tests (like SATS) for 2012. Both schools scored substantially below the national average across the board in everything.


I have just had a look at this website at some of the areas I am interested in living in and sending my son to school in and found it very useful. I can't believe some of the results on there. No green whatsoever. Wow. I always thought that my son will be ok wherever we end up because he loves to learn and that all the people who post about schools are probably worrying unnecessarily. After looking at that website I am definitely going to be careful about where I chose to live. Thank you.



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I have just had a look at this website at some of the areas I am interested in living in and sending my son to school in and found it very useful. I can't believe some of the results on there. No green whatsoever. Wow. I always thought that my son will be ok wherever we end up because he loves to learn and that all the people who post about schools are probably worrying unnecessarily. After looking at that website I am definitely going to be careful about where I chose to live. Thank you.




Yeh Debs. I have no idea where to live. My SIL is in Waikiki and she has a 'step' son aged 8 but don't know which school he's at; keep meaning to ask. When we went over last time we kept heading NOR as we preferred it but seems crazy to go all that way and live 45 mins ro an hour from my SIL! trouble is schooling is a real concern as all 3 of mine are at 2 of best schools where we live (and we pay for the privilege!). My school was terrible though and I did ok. Dilemma dilemma!!! Talked to hubbie about it this week and he's started to drop a pin on google for all the top schools listed so when we get nearer the move It'll make it easier to research areas and schools.

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Lou, I am not bothered about jonny going to the BEST school. I just want him to be happy. If he is happy then he'll learn. But I worry about sending him to a school that is below average in EVERYTHING. I don't mind sending him to a school that has a mix of green and red. Not all red though. I looked at primary schools in rockingham, secret harbour and Waikiki and the results were shocking. Will have to look more into it I think.



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As you say their happiness is the main concern. Sometimes I think my eldest's school is way too strict and they push them far too hard but I wouldn't want them to go to a poor performing school! I was shocked too at the area where my SIL lives. I must ask her next time we speak what she thinks of Cameron's schooling and where he goes to school.

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