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looking to make some new friends!!


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Hey guys/gals


39 male dentist just moved over from the UK a couple of months ago and looking to meet some new people. Into all the usual stuff and huge Liverpool FC fan (don't hold it against me!!). Based NOR in Subiaco. Would be great to get to know different people over a beer or coffee if anyone fancies it





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Hi Mate


Ive been in Perth just over a year now, living in freo and am 31 years old

Not made as many friends as i would have liked and am a big liverpool fan also. Not many around in Perth hey, all united fans that i know


I play 5 a side footy in subiaco on a monday as well and always looking for interested people to join us



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Hi Mate


Ive been in Perth just over a year now, living in freo and am 31 years old

Not made as many friends as i would have liked and am a big liverpool fan also. Not many around in Perth hey, all united fans that i know


I play 5 a side footy in subiaco on a monday as well and always looking for interested people to join us




Hey guys - im Ian, 32 year old lawyer. Been in Perth 3 months.


I'm a Leeds fan. Always up for 5 a side or some beers.


Give me a shout if you fancy it.

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hey fellas...im moving over to Perth May 10th. Be great to play some 5 aside with slightly older crew. Im 38 and very unfit, but currently playing with a league in the uk. PM me if you fancy arranging a get together. Man U fan...yes support the champs, but dont holld that against me:biggrin:

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hey fellas...im moving over to Perth May 10th. Be great to play some 5 aside with slightly older crew. Im 38 and very unfit, but currently playing with a league in the uk. PM me if you fancy arranging a get together. Man U fan...yes support the champs, but dont holld that against me:biggrin:


Never heard of them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey David, whats the standard like...im interested in joining a 5 aside team or just a knock around. Extremely unfit but enjoy playing. Pm me if ypu need extra players.



Hi Mate


Ive been in Perth just over a year now, living in freo and am 31 years old

Not made as many friends as i would have liked and am a big liverpool fan also. Not many around in Perth hey, all united fans that i know


I play 5 a side footy in subiaco on a monday as well and always looking for interested people to join us



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