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New build mortgage advice!

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Advice needed..... Been in Perth six months now and love it so much... we have put a deposit on a plot of land to build our own home, sounds fab doesn't it? till we started trying for a mortgage!!

As my husband is self employed and has only six months books and I am a casual education assistant trying hard for permanent work! . (that's just not happening yet) we have been turned down by many brokers.

We do have a decent deposit to put down due to the sale of our home in the UK, but this doesn't seem to help either. Open to any suggestions advice please!! ASAP


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Hi KJLav,


I am just doing a newbuild, which is my first home purchase in Australia. Obviously you will be aware of the $10k grant for first time buyers who are building, but there is a part-government run entity called Keystart, who specialise in helping low-income persons or those in unfavourable financial situations get on the housing ladder. I qualify because I make less than $90k a year. Basically, you can put down as little as 2% deposit, and pay only $50 a week for your land as your house gets built; a big difference to paying the mortgage on the land as well as rent. They charge 1% more interest than the other lenders, but the best bit is that you can exit the Keystart mortgage without penalty as soon as you get the keys to your new house. Plus, another bonus is that they don't charge you lender's indemnity insurance, which is astronomical here.


I used a very good finance company in Innaloo named Kiss Finance to do all the paperwork/legwork. They get their $ from commission from Keystart, so it hasn't cost me a bean. Check out these websites;









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