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Question on Police Checks


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Hi there,


My colleague has her visa application in and I'm asking this question on her behalf.


She received the results for her police checks this morning and it came back with "No Live Trace". She was given a minor verbal warning 10 years back but doesn't have a criminal record. Does this mean a visa will definately not be granted? Is there anybody that had this on their police checks? What was your outcome please?


Thanks for your time.

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What Steve said above... If you tell her to read the supporting letter with the certificate it will explain what no live trace means & it's all good. If the 'verbal warning' is not listed on the certificate then DIAC will not know about it... It's probably not even on her record... My partner had similar for no insurance & it did not even flag on his certificate.

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From memory....a verbal warning is just that, so therefore no criminal record has been opened...

The only recordd that may possibly exsist is the derention record at the police station and then thats only to record what action has or has not been taken....tell you friend there is no need to worry...I was arrested years before I was an officer, thrown in a cell etc...released without charge and none of my checks ever showed the incident....


Oh and I was innocent, case of mistaken identity....only I could get nicked because of wearing a bright green Pod t shirt...:))




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