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happy weekend!


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hope all you Poms have an amazing Australia Day weekend - enjoy the fun, celebrations, firworks and sausage sizzles!

I may have a BBQ in your honour this weekend, oh no perhaps that's not the best idea with 49mph winds and driving rain forecast :wideeyed:


Have one for me you lucky people,


J xxxx


ps Posh Pea - enjoy the birds eye view of the fireworks! xxxx

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Guest guest9824
hope all you Poms have an amazing Australia Day weekend - enjoy the fun, celebrations, firworks and sausage sizzles!

I may have a BBQ in your honour this weekend, oh no perhaps that's not the best idea with 49mph winds and driving rain forecast :wideeyed:


Have one for me you lucky people,


J xxxx


ps Posh Pea - enjoy the birds eye view of the fireworks! xxxx


Thanks Bean, have a good one and hope you don't get called out to deliver in that weather, stay safe :) will send some photos



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