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Advice for migration

Guest Anash54

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Guest Anash54

Hi guys I'm very new to this and have never used anything like this before.

Let's begin I currently reside in Essex in the uk, I'm an electrician and have had my own business for 6years, I've been to oz twice on holiday and visiting family and absolutely love it, for me everything seems to click. I'm going to be back in Perth in October and am hoping to show my girlfriend what's on offer.

Anyway without talking too much, I've been trying to figure out what the best way to gain qualification is for me, I have all my city & guilds but understand I still need to obtain oz qualifications. I have done a tradeset survey and then went on the vetassess website and filled in everything but haven't sent it off yet as it's asking for money but I don't want to do that if it's not the right path.

any help would be much appreciated.

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Guest guest9824

Hi Anash, welcome to PP. Im not very informed on the visa front, but many are on here. It does sound like you are in the very early stages of the journey and maybe a call to a migration agent might be the go. They can potentially point you in the right direction and give you advice on visas etc, not sure if that will cost you anything, maybe some will give a free first consultation, but thats something you may have to shop around for.


Good luck.



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I think you have two things slightly mixed. First there is the skills assessment that is required for the visa. If you go to immi.gov.au and look at the SOL list and CSOL you will i believe find your occupation on there - i think yours is on the SOL. Next to the occupation will be code and it will also tell you who the assessing body is for that occupation. Google the code and it will tell you what you need to do for the skills assessment.


The other thing is the WA license. Every state has its own licensing requirements. I am not a sparky and if you have a hunt in the jobs and careers section there are lots of posts about the licensing requirements. This bit is in no way linked to the visa process. It is what you need to pass once you have a visa and are already in WA. From what i understand you wi be a trade assistant untill licensed - a bit like an apprentice. You will be required to undertake some study at college and be supervised for a period of time.


It may be worth speaking to a registered migration agent to get some advice - most of the good ones will give an initial consultation for free.

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