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Help with ANMAC professional referance


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Hi everyone I hope some of you who have been through this can help us. My wife is a nurse on an Emergency short stay ward and her line manager has done her professional reference following the template we gave her from the ANMAC website. The problem we have is on reading it although it's a loverly reference it doesn't state the ANSCO code and it seems to describe more what is expected of a nurse working on that ward then specifically what she has done and achieved. Can anyone maybe who has been through this with a similar role help with what has been accepted. I'm trying to sort this for my wife but myself have little knowledge of what she actually does etc. I'm assuming there must be some buzz words and certain things that need explicitly stating. As the reference she has just seems too much like a job description.


Thanks for for your help everyone

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As long as the reference has followed the template, you'll be fine. Mine was difficult as I work in medical but it's not a medical ward and we deal with mostly outpatients. We also do emergency procedures that used to be done in theatre so my role as a nurse swings towards surgical. But my manager did the reference following the template for medical and it was ok.



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Thanks for that. The format is laid out like the generic template on ANMAC website for a professional reference with hours worked etc in overview then about role but it keeps saying things like "a nurse on x ward is expected to ....." & "nurses on x ward are encouraged to...." Does it need to be more like "mrs ***** has proven competent in carrying out ****** shown during (example)".

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Oh yeah. Mine said thing like Debra does this and that. Not a nurse on the ward does this and that. I can't scan it for you as I don't have a scanner but I can post a copy to you I'd you like so you can get an idea. Bear in mind though, mine is geared towards a medical nurse. If your wife's type of nursing is different then it won't have the same things on it.



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  • 2 years later...
Oh yeah. Mine said thing like Debra does this and that. Not a nurse on the ward does this and that. I can't scan it for you as I don't have a scanner but I can post a copy to you I'd you like so you can get an idea. Bear in mind though, mine is geared towards a medical nurse. If your wife's type of nursing is different then it won't have the same things on it.



.Hii everyone...can u plz confirm me that are the experience and reference letters same?
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