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475 Family Sponsored


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I have arrived in Perth on a 475 Family Sponsored Visa. My understanding was that my family who sponsored us are based NOR and the VISA would allow us to work anywhere in WA.

However, employers are nervous as they say that I can only work in deignated regions that does not include Perth Metro.


Does anybody have a take. I have approached DIAC but no clear answer as yet.


Thanks in advance

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If you were nominated for this visa by a state or territory government You must live, study and work in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area - which excludes Perth Metro




If you were sponsored for this visa by a family member You must live, study and work in a designated area For Western Australia, a 'designated area' is anywhere.





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I have arrived in Perth on a 475 Family Sponsored Visa. My understanding was that my family who sponsored us are based NOR and the VISA would allow us to work anywhere in WA.

However, employers are nervous as they say that I can only work in deignated regions that does not include Perth Metro.


Does anybody have a take. I have approached DIAC but no clear answer as yet.


Thanks in advance


What are the conditions on your visa? You could get employer to check on VEVO - Visa verification service

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The things if we check Vevo it stipulates to work and stay anywhere in WA. But on our Visa grant letter it says that we must abide by condition 8549. A bit confusing. Dont want to leave this to chance. Any advice.


The two don't contradict each each other, condition 8549 stipulates that While the holder is in Australia, the holder must live, study and work only in a 'designated area', as in force when the visa was granted. The entire state of Western Australia is classed as a 'designated area' - http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2012L01305 or https://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/designated-areas.htm hence Vevo is correct, you can work and stay anywhere in WA

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