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Form 929 - new passport details


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One of my children and I have just had our passports renewed and I need to advise immi on form 929, however, where do I send it? All of our other forms have been done online through the adelaide team. Immi website says to send it to the nearest office if we have already had our visa granted but which office if we are still in the UK? I don't want any unnecessary delays to our details being updated.



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This is worth knowing as oh spent an hour on the phone queuing to find this out - if you update your passport after your visa has been issued, fill out the form, colour copy of your new passport (we had ours certified) and email them to:




Immi will attach your visa to your new passport and email you a confirmation.


You also need to complete this form for change of address.


Lou :biggrin:

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handy to know Lou as I will need to get a new one when we are over there. One issue is that my current passport, and therefore my visa, are still in my maiden name but when I get a new passport I would put it into my married name so would need my visa to be in the same name. Do you think this would be a problem to change the name on the visa?

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handy to know Lou as I will need to get a new one when we are over there. One issue is that my current passport, and therefore my visa, are still in my maiden name but when I get a new passport I would put it into my married name so would need my visa to be in the same name. Do you think this would be a problem to change the name on the visa?


I don't think it will be a problem Nikki as the form asks if the name on your new passport is different from the one originally used to obtain your visa. If you answer yes you just have to confirm why and supply evidence of your name change; certified copy marriage certificate. Have a look at the form as it seems quite straight forward and explains what you need to provide.


I also think everyone should use this form of you change address....including when you move to australia so immi has the most up to date contact details for you.



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When we had sorted our long term rental because we are state sponsored, all we had to do was send an email to the immigration department with a copy of our passports, state sponsorship agreement and a copy of our lease and then have to do the same every time we move until the two years are up. I don't know about any other form, but I will have to re-new Emily's passport this July so will look into then when adding her passport to our visa.

Edited by SJT
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