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189 or 461??


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Hi all, I recently found out (thanks to PIO) that I could apply for a 461. I currently live in New Zealand (from Ireland) on a work visa and been with my partner for 4 years (he's NZ citizen). We planned on moving to Perth next year and I've started down the road for a 189 visa. I have the points and have just done my IELTS.


My question is should I keep going with the application for a 189 or change to the 461? The price difference for the visa is huge but I think I'll eventually need to apply for the 189 if I ever want to get PR and citizenship and the benefits that brings.


Any thoughts?? :confused:

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That is true, we've decided to keep the 189 the way to go and if money hasn't turned out as planned the 461 is our back up. Can't believe its only $400 compared to +$3000. Does anyone know if we do end up going in the 461 will I then need to apply for the 189 anyhow at the end of it all if I want PR?

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The 461 is a temp visa for partners of NZ citizens, even if you split up and are still in Australia this visa can be re-newed. Long term you don't get same benefits as PR, nor would you be eligible for citizenship until you get PR. But you can use time spent in Australia on this visa towards the residency requirement.


You can apply for the 189 from the 461 in Australia.

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