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How long to rent a holiday home for??

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Hi Lou, it depends on where you want to rent, but generally there are now alot more rentals than when we arrived approx. 20 months ago.


I would suggest 3 weeks as a starting point, as tpically you need certain ID before you can apply (100 points of identitiy), so a bank account etc is necessary, which all takes time to organise. The realy agents also need to take references, which will typically be from the UK as well.


If you look at private rentals (via Gumtree and others), they can be quicker, as typically they don't require the same level of detail.


Best of luck



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Depends on your funds and how soon you need to find work. We took three months to find jobs and had three months in a rental, by which stage we were low on funds. If you can afford to get a rental without jobs lined up, or without jobs for a few months, then get one asap. But it does take time to work out where you want to live, many days were spent driving around and just looking at areas. After ruling out an area in the first week, its where our first rental ended up being, and after six months i was glad to leave!

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We had 2 weeks as it was paid for by my employer. We concentrated on the Mandurah area as this is where we wanted to live and also found there were no shortage of properties there. We could have had a nice place in the first few days, but held out until we really loved somewhere and have been there since (6 years)

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Hi guys

thanks for your replies. We've agreed on 6 weeks. We don't want to rush having a look round and deciding where to live. Luckily we don't have cash worries so that's one less stress! But want to be in somewhere before Christmas. We have already set up a bank account we just need to go in when we land to confirm it's us!

Lou x

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