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Broadband and TV deals


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Hi there, just arrived in Oz and get our first rental in just over a week. Can anyone tell me the best deals on broadband and basic tv. Not bothered about a land line unless it's no extra cost. Also only got 6 month rental so don't want long commitment either. Thank you in advance,


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Check to see who your rental is connected to now, its a lot cheaper to take somthing over than get connected from scratch, i know i sound like a stuck record on this subject but whoever you decide to go with, make sure they have ports available at the local exchange for broadband, when you have decided who to go with make it clear to them that if they dont have a port available then the deal is off and the contact is cancelled, they are very good at selling you a package signing you up for 12 months, two weeks later later say sorry, i cant connect you because there are no ports available at your exchange, then you sit and wait and wait, IINET currently have a TV ad running which compares Aussie broadband to Romania, stating that Romania has a better sytstem, they are not joking, until the "NBN" rolls out in Perth we are all stuck with a **** ISP, and that is about 5 years behind schedule already and Telstra has stopped upgrading infrastructure because of the NBN! If you want my advice, go with someone big like Telstra, Bigpond, or IINet, they are more likely to have a port available, but if the house is currently tenanted, try taking over what they have first, signing up for a year is no problem either as you can take it with you when you move, if you dont want to get stuck in any contracts you can try Vivid on the 4g network, thats who I have been with for the past 3 years and it has been adequate, but not brilliant and its half the price of telstra.


Are you in a new house, if so check to see if you are in a wired fibre estate, that might be a better option, if you are then talk to your neigbor about who the provider is, somthing like e- wire or similar.

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Check to see who your rental is connected to now, its a lot cheaper to take somthing over than get connected from scratch, i know i sound like a stuck record on this subject but whoever you decide to go with, make sure they have ports available at the local exchange for broadband, when you have decided who to go with make it clear to them that if they dont have a port available then the deal is off and the contact is cancelled, they are very good at selling you a package signing you up for 12 months, two weeks later later say sorry, i cant connect you because there are no ports available at your exchange, then you sit and wait and wait, IINET currently have a TV ad running which compares Aussie broadband to Romania, stating that Romania has a better sytstem, they are not joking, until the "NBN" rolls out in Perth we are all stuck with a **** ISP, and that is about 5 years behind schedule already and Telstra has stopped upgrading infrastructure because of the NBN! If you want my advice, go with someone big like Telstra, Bigpond, or IINet, they are more likely to have a port available, but if the house is currently tenanted, try taking over what they have first, signing up for a year is no problem either as you can take it with you when you move, if you dont want to get stuck in any contracts you can try Vivid on the 4g network, thats who I have been with for the past 3 years and it has been adequate, but not brilliant and its half the price of telstra.


Are you in a new house, if so check to see if you are in a wired fibre estate, that might be a better option, if you are then talk to your neigbor about who the provider is, somthing like e- wire or similar.

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Hi, we are also in the same position as you and are about to sign up for broadband. We've brought our expensive modem over from the uk. Will this work here or do we have to buy a new one? Thanks


If the modem is a general one bought from PC World or Currys etc it will work, but if its supplied by the likes of BT etc then its generally locked, i brought and tried my BT home hub, it didnt work, i am currently running iff a Vivid home gateway with an Apple Airport Extreme connected to it as the wireless in the home gateway doesnt have the range or support the number of devices i am currently running

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