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Thinking of Perth!!!

Guest Bagpuss1974

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Guest Bagpuss1974

Hi everyone,


we're thinking of Perth too :smile: I am a teacher and my husband is a retail manager. We have 2 children aged 4 and 8. If anyone has any advice or tips on visas, jobs, schools, suburbs (we love the look of Secret Harbour but are not sure if it may be too quiet for us), whether to rent or sell our English house, what sort of stuff to ship ......well anything really.



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WA is so vast it's difficult for people to tell you where to live as we all probably like something different. For me, I like being a little closer to the City and Freo and I live in an older suburb (which won't be everone's cup of tea).


Personally, I think a PR visa is the best option, but many people don't have that choice and have to go via temp/sponsored first - or just want to get out here asap and it's a quicker visa. The benefits to PR are that you're not tied to an employer or having to work full time (which you do on the 457. If the company goes bust - you don't have to find a new sponsor (within 28 days), you're also not tied into paying back relocation costs if you decide it's not for you. PR isn't automatic from a 457 and you would still have to apply for a PR visa if you wished to stay .

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