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Any FIFO widows out there?

Guest Mrs Fast Twist

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Guest Mrs Fast Twist

My OH is looking into the possibility of a FIFO job when we get to Perth, but was wondering what other halves feel and how they cope? My husband is forces so I am used to him being away a bit, but obviously its very different when you're over there away from the support network. I don't live near my folks anyway but have a few friends and relatives fairly close by in case.


Obviously one reason we are looking into it is the good money, but it is weighing it up against hubby being away so much.


Any thoughts would be welcome x

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Guest melanie43

Hi, wev'e only been here for a week, OH is FIFO he flew out today for his 1st 2 weeks on, it's a bit daunting being on your own so fast, he had to fly out last thursday morning and we only landed early hours wednesday morning then he came back late on friday, he had the weekend off and we went to look at rockingham and secret harbour but it was only a quick check out. he went on courses on monday and tuesday and as iv'e said he's off on his 2 weeks now. wev'e only got this house for 3 more weeks and reading about all the problems people are having looking for long term rentals is quite scary (30 people per open house/application), to make matters worse i don't even drive so i'll have to get trains/taxis to somewhere i know nothing about and i can't really check out the area properly as can't look around different streets etc, wev'e got to find somewhere to live so we can get our teenage daughters into college 16 & 17yrs old (well they will be in 3 weeks), didn't want to try and get them in college where we are now in case we don't stop in this area. iv'e got to do this and keep 2 teenagers happy for 2 weeks omg hope i survive, will let you know how it goes:swoon: OH is only 2on1off so not away as long as some of the others.



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Guest Mrs Fast Twist

Thanks everyone. Lorna, how long has your OH been doing it, and how are you doing with it all?


Mel - good luck to you, I'm sure it will all come good in the end. This is the nightmare I think that we all have, finding a place to live. When your OH gets back would it be too late to look then? All the best, let us know how you get on xxx

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Guest emasnwy

my partner is just about to satrt a job in fifo hes doing 8 days on 6 off ,but we have been here since may so i,m pretty settled with the kids ,we used to live in town not too far from york ,.....em

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Guest Mrs Fast Twist

Where abouts do you live now Em? Did you mean you used to live in York (England?) We live in Haxby :cute:I think it helps if you are settled, we would maybe look into it once we are settled there, the money sounds fantastic but of course everything has to be weighed up. I personally think I could cope once we've been there a while, I have a sister in Perth too so would have a bit of support.

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Guest emasnwy
Where abouts do you live now Em? Did you mean you used to live in York (England?) We live in Haxby :cute:I think it helps if you are settled, we would maybe look into it once we are settled there, the money sounds fantastic but of course everything has to be weighed up. I personally think I could cope once we've been there a while, I have a sister in Perth too so would have a bit of support.




hi again ,we live in bunbury now used to live in malton england...yeah i wasnt looking forward to him going away at first but i,m relaxed about it now the money is very good was hard for him to turn down lol he said he might as well do it whys hes still young ish ha ha

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Guest Mrs Fast Twist

Hi Em, Malton is just up the road from here! Small world eh? :biggrin: Lorna, I expect it is hard work, as I may have said before I am quite used to being left as hubby is military but still isn't a nice thing. I don't know if he will do the FIFO work yet, but even if he does it for a couple of years to get some wonga in, it might be worth it. It'll come together in the end, the longer you are out there the more people you will meet. It could have been somewhere else in the UK, you still move away from family and friends. Good luck all xx

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Hi ladies,


My husband will also be FIFO- 4 weeks on, 1 week off when we arrive. He has been working away for a while now so I am kind of used to it but find the thought of being in a new country with 2 young children quite daunting!! I think you just manage though don't you? :)


We are looking to arrive a week before he has to fly out to work and will also be in temporary accommodation until finding a rental which i have heard is a nightmare!!

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I am soon to be a fifo widow I think at the age of 49 hubby just had final interview today just awaiting a job offer at kalgooli mine within the next couple of days ewwwww. It will be just me on my own for 14 days as he will be 14 on 7 off as my son is 25 and remaining in the UK. Will be settling some where in Perth so anyone wants an adoptive granparent/s [quiet young at heart] I will be available to help someone :o) meet for coffees and chit chat be fab. I think it will be around July August before we actually get to Perth but heres hoping this has been ongoing since July 11. I am really looking forward to it I have to say and yes going in with eyes wide open. Love to hear from anyone in the same situation as I will be ............................

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My poor wife has to put up with me being away almost 7 weeks.Have a look at the website fifofamilies which is a meeting group for fifo wives and families.


Hi folks,


Can I just ask, do your hubbies all have experience for the mines?


We are arriving in Perth on 23 july, my oh has worked for royal mail since leaving school and would love a change in career.

He really fances the mines but obviously has no experience so just wondering how difficult it would be to get into that work?


Lesley x

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Hi folks,


Can I just ask, do your hubbies all have experience for the mines?


We are arriving in Perth on 23 july, my oh has worked for royal mail since leaving school and would love a change in career.

He really fances the mines but obviously has no experience so just wondering how difficult it would be to get into that work?


Lesley x


Its not impossible, but it will be hard. Most of the roles that are in high demand are for particular skills and trades, entry level jobs are often a matter of knowing someone. The entry point would be for something like drillers off sider or truck driver - underground truckies normally only have a car licence. However, do think about what he expects to get from it. Salaries at entry level are not that high. For example, we would start a truckie on around $75k. That is working a week of nights and a week of days then a week off. It is incredibly boring and being away from home for a couple of weeks at a time isnt for everyone.


There is big money to be made, but it takes a long time to get there. For example, a jumbo driver (a big drill on wheels) can earn $250k a year. But it takes around 10 years to get there and a lot of people arent suitable as takes particular co-ordination skills.


But if he realy wants to give it a go, have a look on infomine.com

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Hi, my partner is FIFO and has no particular rotation, he is adhoc so just goes when and where he is required sometimes with only a days notice. He works in the Oil and Gas industry. He has been working offshore as long as we have been together so I am used to it and in fact I used to work offshore myself so I know what it is like on the flip side.


It can be difficult and there are moments when I really struggle being over here in a new country with no support network. I get terribly home sick at times but you will make friends and build new supports. You will definitely not be the only person who is a FIFO widow here as there are a huge number of families here that have this lifestyle. The key is to get out and about and meet as many people as you can and take in this beautiful part of the world. There are some days when I am particular low and then I take a trip to the beach or one of the lovely parks and you realise why you are here and why you made the move in the first place.


If anyone ever wants to meet up for coffee/chat and discuss the trials and tribulations of being a FIFO widow then just give me a shout! lol


Bev xx

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Guest MalibuStacey

Hello All,

It's looking like I will be a FIFO wife by June/July too! My head is spinning at the minute but it's heartening to see there are a few of us. He will be doing 3:1 and I will be probably rushed off my feet with the kids' activities if it's anything like it is here! I have two boys and a girl.

Does anyone know if the LAFHA is still going to apply to FIFO jobs when it changes? I hope so as it makes a huge difference. I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere...maybe there isn't one?!

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Hello All,

It's looking like I will be a FIFO wife by June/July too! My head is spinning at the minute but it's heartening to see there are a few of us. He will be doing 3:1 and I will be probably rushed off my feet with the kids' activities if it's anything like it is here! I have two boys and a girl.

Does anyone know if the LAFHA is still going to apply to FIFO jobs when it changes? I hope so as it makes a huge difference. I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere...maybe there isn't one?!


It depends. Are you a permanent resident? If you are on a 457 visa then you just might scrape in. If you are a permanent resident then you will not get anything as it has always only been available for temporary residents. Likewise, unfortunalty there was a very nice tax break claimable if a wife did not earn an income. It was several thousand dollars back at the end of the tax year, but this has been stopped. He will be eligible for a tax break at the end of the year for working in a remote location. How much he gets depends on legnth of time away and the area he is working in as they apply zones to different parts of the country. The LAFHA is being stopped. The exact way of its stopping has yet to be fully announced but it looks like it will be phased out over 2 to 3 years as from July. It wont be available for any new applications after July. So if your husbad manages to start before then and get the paper work sorted you might just get some.

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Guest MalibuStacey
It depends. Are you a permanent resident? If you are on a 457 visa then you just might scrape in. If you are a permanent resident then you will not get anything as it has always only been available for temporary residents. Likewise, unfortunalty there was a very nice tax break claimable if a wife did not earn an income. It was several thousand dollars back at the end of the tax year, but this has been stopped. He will be eligible for a tax break at the end of the year for working in a remote location. How much he gets depends on legnth of time away and the area he is working in as they apply zones to different parts of the country. The LAFHA is being stopped. The exact way of its stopping has yet to be fully announced but it looks like it will be phased out over 2 to 3 years as from July. It wont be available for any new applications after July. So if your husbad manages to start before then and get the paper work sorted you might just get some.


Verystormy, many thanks for your reply! We will all be going on his 457 Visa, either all together in May/June or him earlier and us June/July.


AFAIK he will be working in the Pilbara region for his 3 weeks on, I understand that most of the work is up there. When you say 'new applications after July' does that mean the date of starting work? Or the date the Visa is awarded? Or neither?!


I think I must have misunderstood LAFHA, as I though it actually changed your taxed amount and thus your take-home pay but it sounds like this is not the case? Many thanks for your help, it's much appreciated :)

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Guest MalibuStacey
Hi forgive me for sounding daft but please what is this LAFHA



Living Away From Home Allowance. I'll let someone else explain it as I'm not sure I understand it fully myself!

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