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2 weeks left and getting really nervous !!


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[h=6]Well everyone Ive got just another 2 weeks left in Canberra and Perth here we come!! Im nervous and excited and Im really hoping that I love it because I just dont want to go back to Ireland either. My 14 year old is looking forward to going aswell but this will be her second big move in a year. I hope and pray we are doing the right thing. Maybe my nerves are just getting to me at the moment. Is anyone else feeling like this or felt like this when they moved? xx[/h]

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Hi know how your feeling. We are on countdown to flying form the uk on the 17th. Just managed to secure some short term accomododation for a while. Our move has happend so quick I dont think I have really taken it on board . Once the removal men come I suppose it will be real.

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Hi Fiona - we are leaving on the 17th aswell but from Canberra. I remember feeling like that when I left ireland last year. I think Perth will be great though and Im more nervous about the schools and my 14 year old settling in. Where did you get your short term rental? We are initially staying in Nedlands because it is pretty central :) Is it just you and OH or have you got children? Suzanne

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Guest Shandypants
Yeah we moved here originally and are going to relocate to perth :)


Well good luck with it all! Me and my boyfriend are in preparation to move to Perth from Uk.

It sounds like you have already done the hardest part emigrating from Ireland to Oz in 1st place so you should be fine!

So what made you want to move from Canberra to Perth?

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thanks Shandypants - to be honest I am more nervous and worried this time around that we will like Perth. I came to Canberra very blind (neither of us set foot in the place beforehand) and we were dying to get out of Ireland. There are no job opportunities for my husband in canberra which means he will never get a decent job which is one of the biggest things for us plus the fact that the weather is not great and there is VERY LITTLE to do. Canberra is a big country town and it is very solitary. Some people love it here but to be honest I really dont like it here and have been miserable for the last year. My 14 year old is not too hot on the place either and we are all very unhappy so thats why we want to move. When are you moving from the UK?

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Guest Shandypants

We are just in the final stages getting ready to come over, got our temp working hol visa to start off and my boyf's new employer is sorting us out with the 457 sponsored visa for when we arrive, we are going to book our flights later today after we both handed our notice in yesterday for our current jobs - our last day of work is the 4th May and we are looking to fly out on the 20th!!! :jiggy:SOOO EXCITED!! (and scared all at the same time!)

I am sure you will love Perth (not just from what you have said about canberra, although that would probably be enough!) one of my partners friends has been living in Perth for almost 2 years and absolutely loves it! From what you have said about Canberra if it is that sleepy, then from what I have seen of Perth it is going to be a different world!

What type of work will your partner be looking for?

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