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Getting repeat Medication while on holiday


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I shall be travelling to Perth sometime in October and shall be staying with family on a sub class 676 long stay holiday visa.

I take BISOPROLOL & PENINDOPRIL tablets for blood pressure and also PRAVASTATIN for cholesterol.

I have contacted Medicare Australia reference geting a repeat prescription uner the (RHCA) reciprocal health care agreement and (PBS) pharmaceutical benefits scheme, but their answer was a bit vague.

I know the system whereby I bring a letter from my own doctor in UK confirming that I am prescribed these tablets, take it to an Australian doctor who could issue me with a script to get these on payment if they fall into the above (PBS).

Has anyone had family out staying with them on a long stay visa and was able to have any of these prescribed by an Australian doctor or under the above scheme or did they have a problem.

I have been informed that I can bring with me up to 3 months supply but it is after they run out.

Any advice will be much appreciated.



Edited by davidlewis
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Hi David


I've had a quick look a the Department of Health website: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/general-guidance-for-travellers-bringing-medicines-to-and-from-australia


Looks like there are two ways of doing it: Medicare and an doc in Oz, or mailing medicines from the UK. Your meds are fairly commonly prescribed in the UK and so there shouldn't be any issues about them being on PBS in Oz. The following website provides more info on importing:




Unless I've read it incorrectly and it is in fact illegal to post them, my suggestion would be to arrange with your UK GP to issue a repeat in 3 months time and a family member or friend to get the items posted over to you. Might be the easiest way. But you'd need to double check the legality of importation (by post).



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