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Getting a tad nervous now 2 weeks to go!


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Hi everyone ill be on the plane 2 weeks today, staying with family for 2 months but had to go before my family to get everything sorted! But a bit nervous now? Anyone one else flying out this month? :) when the rest of my family joins me ill feel better but 2 months seems long now! But on a positive note ill be pleased when I'm a little warmer!

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Hi maddielou.

I'm also flying out in just over 2 weeks time with my daughter and am so excited.

my husband flew out 2 months ago with my son and I can't wait to see them. It's been so hard having our family split in half for this length of time but it was the only way we could do it. My husband had to start work beginning of feb and our son is high school age so it made sense for him to start the new school term. I had to stay behind to sort the house sale, shipping companies, the dog.

its been really hard work on my own but happy to know I'm almost there.

Luckily for us we have some great friends in perth who are letting us stay with them for as long as we need.

i think with the excitement of seeing my husband and son has taken away some of the sadness I will feel at saying goodbye to my family here.

2 months is a long time and it feels like forever. However we both feel its made our relationship stronger than ever.

good luck with it all. You'll get through it. You've just got to hang in there.

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Hi we fly out on 25th march from Heathrow. Myself, my wife and our 2 1/2 year old daughter, can't wait!! I have job and start work 5th April so we are gonna have nearly 2 weeks to get our bearings and do some relaxing if that's possible lol. We have got a 2 month holiday let near joondalup.

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