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Anyone recommend a good IT recruitment agency?

Lisa P

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Difficult question to answer due to the fickle way that IT recruitment agencies here work. They are being hit with so many requests for jobs from so many people across the globe that the majority like to conduct face to face interviews in order to keep their admin time down. Unless you have a skillset that is in a niche area of course and then they really want to chat to you and will do so via the phone or Skype. Jobs here are advertised on multiple agency websites. The customer base is not that large in Perth and so the agencies tend to all have relationships with the main players and so when one job is available several agencies are chasing to fill it.


If you look through this site at the job threads you will find that Perth is a face to face kind of town. It is all about chatting over coffee here, who you know and if they like you. If you are on LinkedIn then that is good way, maybe better to be honest, of building a network of contacts here in Perth. Then look through the Seek website for jobs in Perth that you would be appying for and you will see the main recruitment agencies from that over the next few weeks and you will see the pattern.


As you can see I am not offering any particular agencies, sure some other posters may, but to be honest in my experinece here they are all much of a muchness and not that good in terms of communication.

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Thank you so much for your help. I only joined the forum yesterday and did have a good read through and what you're saying does seem to be the norm. My husband has started a linkedin account but doesn't have a network in Perth yet do you have any suggestions with how best to start this off? Again we're new to LinkedIn so apologies if there's an obvious answer.

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Thank you so much for your help. I only joined the forum yesterday and did have a good read through and what you're saying does seem to be the norm. My husband has started a linkedin account but doesn't have a network in Perth yet do you have any suggestions with how best to start this off? Again we're new to LinkedIn so apologies if there's an obvious answer.


Secret with LinkedIn is to have a network of professionals regardless if you / they are in Perth or not. Start your account and contact, or search for, as many of your current business contacts as you can from your current network and link to them now. Do not use LinkedIn like Facebook that is one piece of advice. Use it purely as a business tool and stay away from all that LOL, OMG, poking and such like nonsense. What tends to happen is that when people come into contact with you re business they will, in many cases now, just give LinkedIn a quick check to see if you are there so hence the reason for keeping it professional and having a presence. It is a tool that is being used more and more.


As well as adding business contacts you can join groups, e.g. job groups, industry groups, IT discussions and so on. When you are up and running then target a few Perth / WA and/or Aussie groups and join in on those. You will soon find out when linking to people here, via other contacts even, that they are somehow linked back to people from all over the place including ones you currently may know. It is a small world. You can also add your CV and put your settings to looking for work.


Best way to learn about LinkedIn is to really get to grips with the help files because the tips in there are really relevant in relation to using the software. I know obvious but always the best place to start and to give you some confidence. Secondly look at some existing accounts and hunt out the professionally built ones and try and aspire to those. The better the account then the more professional you will appear.


You have not said what your areas of expertise are in IT but if it is non-managerial then some people could argue that LinkedIn is not for you. I would disagree and say the smart peolple are using this tool now more and more so get on board.

Edited by StraighttothePoint
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Hi Lisa,


Feel free to add me to your network - profile details are below. I'm an IT Project Manager and still in the UK. I have joined a few of the Asutralian and Perth based groups. Like Straighttothepoint says, it depends exactly which occupation you are in but they might help to get you started.


Straighttothepoint - great advice as always!





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Thank you Nikki & Straighttothepoint, my husband is an IT director for a small UK based change management software company, but we've been told to stay away from the "Director" part when looking for jobs as it will limit his options. He has a very hands on role and works with Visual Basic, .Net, Pearl, Java and Database Design :- Access, SQL, MySQL, Oracle etc He will link to you later Nikki his name is "Simon Parrott". He is up to his eye balls in work at the moment which is why I'm trying to help with the research.


Really appreciate your help!

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