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Medical Processing Time-January-March Applications


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just a quick heads-up for anyone who has had a medical between December 2012 and March 2013.


The current processing date for applications which have required further clearance from the Medical Commissioner (for none-straight forward applications), as advised by my Case Officer is that they are currently processing applications up to the 23rd November.


Apparently there has been issues with the processing system and they are currently running behind. So if like me you have been expectantly waiting (we had our medicals on the 11th January) it will likely be another +6 weeks. [it is supposed to take 3 months so if they havent caught up soon you can likely add another 6 weeks on to that date).



If I hear anything else I will post another update.





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This is useful info, i think we're going insane. Had the meds back in December (8th I think?). I was told 1-2 months processing time but still we wait. Think that's all we are waiting on for finalisation. We've sold our house and move out in a few weeks so I hope it is all clear!!


It's a real test on patience. Good luck.






just a quick heads-up for anyone who has had a medical between December 2012 and March 2013.


The current processing date for applications which have required further clearance from the Medical Commissioner (for none-straight forward applications), as advised by my Case Officer is that they are currently processing applications up to the 23rd November.


Apparently there has been issues with the processing system and they are currently running behind. So if like me you have been expectantly waiting (we had our medicals on the 11th January) it will likely be another +6 weeks. [it is supposed to take 3 months so if they havent caught up soon you can likely add another 6 weeks on to that date).



If I hear anything else I will post another update.





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Hi Charlie


Do you mean 6 weeks from 27/03/2013 ??? We had our medicals 01/02/2013 but my sons was referred. (i think because he is asthmatic) but they dont tell you why. I am trying to find out how long the process will take. Do you know if there is a way of speeding up the process?


thank you from vicky






just a quick heads-up for anyone who has had a medical between December 2012 and March 2013.


The current processing date for applications which have required further clearance from the Medical Commissioner (for none-straight forward applications), as advised by my Case Officer is that they are currently processing applications up to the 23rd November.


Apparently there has been issues with the processing system and they are currently running behind. So if like me you have been expectantly waiting (we had our medicals on the 11th January) it will likely be another +6 weeks. [it is supposed to take 3 months so if they havent caught up soon you can likely add another 6 weeks on to that date).



If I hear anything else I will post another update.





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My meds were referred on 21/01/13 and we received our visa on 02/04/13. On the main site, there seem to have been quite a few referred meds that have been finalised this week. I think that the HOC are slowly but surely clearing the backlog.


Good Luck to anyone who is still waiting.

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Thats good news. Just out if interest, when you get your visa, do you get an email or do you have to keep logging in to check?






My meds were referred on 21/01/13 and we received our visa on 02/04/13. On the main site, there seem to have been quite a few referred meds that have been finalised this week. I think that the HOC are slowly but surely clearing the backlog.


Good Luck to anyone who is still waiting.

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Guest ClaireLo1980

Our medicals were sent to DIAC on 22 February, referred on 25 Febrary then received and email from DIAC on 1 April saying that the medicals had been assessed and finalised. 2 April - received the email from DIAC saying visa granted.


Medicals for us took 6 weeks in total after being told from agent that processing time was 8 weeks and then a further 6 weeks processig by CO.


I emailed my CO and Health (Health.Operations.Centre@immi.gov.au and health.strategies@immi.gov.au Quote your name, TRN number, date of birth and passport number) on 27 March to ask at what stage my medicals were at and heard back about the processing time the next day.


My Case Officer was Adelaide Team 2 also.


Seems to be varying quite a bit for everyone - dont know if there is any rhyme nor reason as to how soon medicals are processed.


Hope this info helps :-)

Edited by ClaireLo1980
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hi ClarieLo1980


thanks for the information. Which email address is it for checking on the medicals. I have a case officer in Sydney, does that matter?


thank you from Vicky


Our medicals were sent to DIAC on 22 February, referred on 25 Febrary then received and email from DIAC on 1 April saying that the medicals had been assessed and finalised. 2 April - received the email from DIAC saying visa granted.


Medicals for us took 6 weeks in total after being told from agent that processing time was 8 weeks and then a further 6 weeks processig by CO.


I emailed my CO and Health (Health.Operations.Centre@immi.gov.au and health.strategies@immi.gov.au Quote your name, TRN number, date of birth and passport number) on 27 March to ask at what stage my medicals were at and heard back about the processing time the next day.


My Case Officer was Adelaide Team 2 also.


Seems to be varying quite a bit for everyone - dont know if there is any rhyme nor reason as to how soon medicals are processed.


Hope this info helps :-)

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Thats good news. Just out if interest, when you get your visa, do you get an email or do you have to keep logging in to check?


I kept logging in to check every couple of days:wacko:


We received en email from DIAC to say that our account had been closed. OH read it and nearly passed out:err:.


He then saw there was another email from DIAC which said visa granted :jiggy:and attached was our Grant letter and information re activated the visa etc.


We did not receive any notification to say that my meds had finalised, just the grant letter. We were not expecting as we received it on a day that our CO was off, she works part time, so I guess someone else was looking after her work. We emailed her though to thank her for assistance.

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Cheers. I'm checking on a daily basis. Think me and OH are going mad :wacko:.









I kept logging in to check every couple of days:wacko:


We received en email from DIAC to say that our account had been closed. OH read it and nearly passed out:err:.


He then saw there was another email from DIAC which said visa granted :jiggy:and attached was our Grant letter and information re activated the visa etc.


We did not receive any notification to say that my meds had finalised, just the grant letter. We were not expecting as we received it on a day that our CO was off, she works part time, so I guess someone else was looking after her work. We emailed her though to thank her for assistance.

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Hey everyone, Thought Id share some info on this. I spoke to my CO last week in Adelaide as we are sharing the pain in waiting for a response on the visa post medical. We had ours on 28 Jan 13 and were told initially a 3 month wait was inevitable. The 6 week delay on top of that now isn't a surprise as he also said that the Health Computer System was knackered. He also said we could expect an answer by early Jun 13. OMG, its so frustrating... Good luck to everyone :)

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I dropped MOC an email (see previous thread) and just received a standard letter advising me to speak to my Case Officer. I left a voice mail at about 5.30 in the morning and checked my emails when I got to work. I nearly fell off my chair. I've found it difficult to check but from what I've read it does appear that they are getting through the backlog.


Best of luck and keep smiling. It will come through :cute:




fabulous news good luck with your move.


How do you check the progress ??


thank you

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