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My son nearly has permanent residency, will this help me with my visa application?

Guest Frank&Angela

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Guest Frank&Angela

Hi all, hope youz can help.

My son has been living in Perth for 3 years. Pretty soon, he is assured, he will become a permanent resident. I heard, (from a passenger, as im a taxi driver in Clydebank) that as he is an only child I could apply to come over to live and work in Perth. Does anyone know if this is fact and if so what visa is it?

I really dont know if this is true as I cant find any info about it.


Thanks in advance for any help offered.



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There is a parent visa. Look on immi.gov.au and put your details into the visa wizard. Your son can sponsor you but I think he has to be a perm res for at least 2 years. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I think you have to pay a bond too, $10,000 for you and $4,000 for significant other if you are going as a couple. Think the visa costs about $4,000 too. You'll have to look on the website to check this info but that's how I read it.



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Guest Frank&Angela

Thanks Debs. Yea I seen that one on the immi site. I know its a long shot but I heard that as he is an only child I could do it a lot cheaper (than the $100000 option). Nothing wrong with trying to save a wee bit of money eh.Thanks again for your speedy answer.



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I think you get the bond back after a couple of years but again you would have to look into it. You could also go to an expo. That's where i got all my visa info from. Ticket cost me a tenner so was well worth it. They tell you everything you need to know. If you do go to an expo though make sure you get to the immigration stand early or you'll be waiting in a massive queue for most of the day.



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Guest Frank&Angela

Thanks but we went to the SECC in Glasgow and didnt get there early.The queue for the visa was about a mile long. Wish I had came on this before we went.



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