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Where to get BBQ gas refills near Joondalup


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After a double fiasco last time I had a BBQ, this weekend all will be well. Last time the BBQ went on fire (I should have cleaned it beforehand) so I sensibly turned it off. I tried to restart it and discovered I'd run out of gas. The plan now is to keep a spare. Fortunately in our rental property there was a cannister in the garage (I assume the owners') which had enough juice to finish burning the food. So now I need to refill mine. I got my cannister in BBQ galore, but wonder if there is anywhere else I can get refills at a decent price. Anyone know?




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After a double fiasco last time I had a BBQ, this weekend all will be well. Last time the BBQ went on fire (I should have cleaned it beforehand) so I sensibly turned it off. I tried to restart it and discovered I'd run out of gas. The plan now is to keep a spare. Fortunately in our rental property there was a cannister in the garage (I assume the owners') which had enough juice to finish burning the food. So now I need to refill mine. I got my cannister in BBQ galore, but wonder if there is anywhere else I can get refills at a decent price. Anyone know?





Hi Ross, I am in Joondalup too and use Ray's Outdoors I think it is called on Joondalup Drive, near Bunnings at Edgewater station as you are heading south. Think it was circa $20 last time I used them.

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