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Money saving ideas!!!


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Hi all.


I am a single parent migrating to Perth with my 6 year old son and am currently saving like mad. I have some good money saving ideas to share and hope that others who are trying to save for the migration process will share their money saving tips. Or maybe you have already made the move and have some tips to help overcome the high cost of living in Perth that we in the UK keep hearing about.


The first thing I did was ask around the family to see if anyone could pick my son up from school once a week to save on child minding fees in the name of immigration. 3 agreed to help. So now every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday a family member picks up my son and I have saved money as I only have to pay for child minders fees for 2 days a week. Plus the family who have helped know its not forever. Just until we move.


Anyone else..........

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I am buying less meat and substituting with more vegetables and cooking more from scratch and making cakes as cheaper than buying. More Fanny Craddock than Nigella Lawson I'm afraid:wink: Also going to the "Reduced" section in the supermarkets and getting fruit and veg from the local market. I used to throw leftover food away, but now I am putting into tuperware boxes and either having it for lunch the next day or putting it in the freezer. I am even putting stale bread into the freezer and using it for breadcrumbs or making a bread and butter pudding or something.


We have just changed our office into a bedroom and I needed some tiebacks to match some new bedding I had bought, but I didn't want to spend any more money. I had some old wool so knitted a couple. OH thought I was off my rocker, but he even commented on how good they look.


I have stopped buying magazines and newspapers and dvd's. I now view these online.


At the end of each day, we empty our pockets and put our spare change into a pot. After a while we take it to the bank and change it into notes. You will be surprised how much you accumulate and it makes you feel good when you see the notes. It is an easy way to save without too much effort.


Check all your policies, mobile phone providers and energy suppliers. I rung round all of ours and haggled with them and got put onto cheaper tarrifs and cannot believe how much we are saving each month.

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Pity you can't knit tenners lol. I take home magazines the patients have left then bring them back in again for other patients ha ha.


i have gotten rid of the tumble dryer to save lecky and have gotten rid of the dishwasher to save on water (on a meter).


I did give up smoking but to be fair that wasn't because of the money, I went out on a girls night out, smoked too much and drank too much and was dying a slow and painful death the next day (the only trouble with a leg bag is you can't measure your drinks properly) and never touched a cigarette again. And have never wanted one since. Bonus.


I also buy them colour catcher things to shove in the washer. Then I can stick all the colours in and do one wash instead of 3 lol.

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Glad it made you laugh. At least laughter is free anyway.


I make Jonny (son) watch kids programmes on one of the BBC channels. No adverts for toys, saves me a fortune.


I also tell him that when you can hear the ice cream van ringing his bell its to let all the children know he has ran out of ice cream lol. I know that's a bit tight but I do buy them in instead. And sometimes they come around like 3 times in one evening. Costs a fortune. Anyway I need that money for vodka ha ha. Just kidding :-)

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Aaarrrrggghhhh. No more holidays. The other day in work I said to friends 'gutted I can't have a holiday this year' and everyone looked at me like I had 2 heads. Obviously I don't need a holiday because I am moving to a warm country. Er hello. I will be working in this new country and to be honest, I think this whole visa process might actually be the death of me if I don't have one!!! Oh we'll. it will be worth it in the end Lou.


Anyway, another money saving idea. Have a look at the love food hate waste website. Get food savvy!!!!

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Good idea. I have sold things on eBay and even though you might get a bit for money for your stuff, getting to the post office is a pain in the butt. Then your time is taking up answering questions like 'do you post to Outer Mongolia' when you quite clearly stated UK delivery only. And when you need to spend every spare minute studying for an IELTS exam because you failed miserably first time around, you don't need the complications of eBay.


So I guess you'll have to get up über early. I do hope the weather is nice for you. Will bring lots of people out of their houses to buy your things. I should do one really. I've got about 30 pairs of shoes that I don't wear. All high heeled. Had surgery on my spine in June and worry about wearing heels now. Plus I don't want to go and do a carol vorderman . Yikes!!!

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Aaarrrrggghhhh. No more holidays. The other day in work I said to friends 'gutted I can't have a holiday this year' and everyone looked at me like I had 2 heads. Obviously I don't need a holiday because I am moving to a warm country. Er hello. I will be working in this new country and to be honest, I think this whole visa process might actually be the death of me if I don't have one!!! Oh we'll. it will be worth it in the end Lou.


Anyway, another money saving idea. Have a look at the love food hate waste website. Get food savvy!!!!


Ha Ha, we live in Spain and people say exactly the same when we have taken a holiday - but you live in the sun and life is one long holiday - err yeah - we have money trees in the garden didn't I mention that!!!! Unless you have won the Lotto, everyone has to work hard no matter where you live!


I have also found if I plan my meals each week (got used to this whilst doing S World) before I go shopping, I buy less and not waste as much.

You made me crack up once more with your trick about the ice cream van - classic!!:biglaugh:


I am loving these tips, keep em coming:notworthy:

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When I do a clear out I consider "will I realistically take this with me to Oz" if the answer is no it's going in the car boot!!!


Also have the kiddies birthdays coming up. We usually hire somewhere but now considering a party at home (eek!) and may be even a party sleep over!

Edited by Lou8670
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Candy girl. Is separating the 2 ply sheets on the toilet roll going to far!!!!


Lou. I would pay for a party before I had a sleep over. Australia can wait lol




I have a couple of mates with kids who are also trying to save money in the UK and have had sleep overs for their girls. They have asked the kids to bring their own sleeping bags/duvets and then ordered pizzas or one did a buffet. I suppose you need to see what works out the cheapest. You might end up spending the money saved on large quantities of paracetamol to keep you going!


Travelchic - I have switched to a lower grade toilet paper. OH says it is sandpaper and constantly moans about his backside, but I tell him it will be worth it:wink:

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Ladies, you have inspired me!


I have just called Sky and got rid of the ridiculous package that my husband agreed to and that we do not need! Also got rid of the multi-room that we don't use now! That means I have a sky box not being used....can you sell those these days?


I have also had a look at our energy bills...need to call to see who might be cheaper if we switch! With a new bubba in the house we have had the heating on constantly since January! :arghh: Our weather sucks at the moment!

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Malella. Watch when changing energy that your not locked in for 12 months or anything. If you move before the 12 months there might be a fee. Just check with them first.


I have sent my certified documents to my migration agent be registered post today. Whooppeee. Hopefully they will check it and send it off promptly. I have read on here or PIO that once I have sent my docs to ANMAC they will forward them on to APHRA for me to save me having the same docs certified a second time. When I asked my migration agent they said no they won't do that, so I have e-mailed ANMAC directly to ask them. When they get back to me I will post it on here and let everyone know. Certifying my docs had to be done by a notary and cost me £80. Prefer not to part with another £80 if I can help it.


So took my little boy to the toy shop today. He had £10 from Easter. I told him before we went that I WILL NOT put any money towards a toy and I stuck to it. I usually cave but today I stuck to my guns. He bought a toy for £9.99 and I put the penny change in our penny jar. Felt proud of myself ha ha. And while we were out my mum said 'lets get lunch' to which I replied 'can't mum, trying to save'. My mum then insisted we go to lunch and she would pay (I usually have a big fight with her about who is paying) so we did and we come home stuffed. So if anyone wants her address for a free lunch whilst saving to emigrate let me know lol.


just kidding (love ya mum)



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Ok. Had an e-mail fro ANMAC today saying


'When your assessment is finalised then send me a message advising which STATE for AHPRA and then your whole file can go for their assessment'.


Phew, that saves me paying for docs to be certified again. Saving £80.


My hair needs cutting. Usually have a cut and blow £20. Just getting a dry cut £9. Saving £11.


this whole visa process is costing me approx £6000. I have paid £2000. Need to save like mad for the rest. Any more ideas......



Edited by travelchic
Because I can. And it's free :-)
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Hey travelchic! Well done you...thats you 1/3 of way there!

I'm assuming selling a kidney is taking it a bit too far? :biggrin:


Though I hear you can get quite a bit of cash from participating in less invasive medical trials! A friend of mine did this a few years ago and got about £700 though I think it wasn't anything major she was agreeing to do!

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Ha ha ha. I actually laughed out loud then. I'd sell a kidney but I need it to help with vodka consumption lol.


clinical trials. Mmmm. Maybe I'd trial something topical. Not so sure I'd trial anything oral or IV. Anyway, I think you need the luxury of a day off for that lol.


I need to save approx £4,000 to pay for the rest of my visa application. There must be something that I can do that doesn't involve the use/selling of my body, theft or anything else illegal.


I have swapped minced beef for meat free mince. It's only £3 for 2 bags which is the equivalent of 2 x 500g packs of minced beef. Used one in a chilli. Jonny didn't say anything. He just eat it. I thought the texture was a bit different but it tasted ok. Plus I know there is deffo no horse in it lol. I am converted.



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Selling the kidney cracked me up - I would have thought twice I can tell ya before I got the visa:wink:


I know someone on PIO who does the med trials, but I won't say as I have been told in confidence. Perhaps if you post asking if anyone has done it, they might answer you. They do it quite regularly and it is not as bad as you think.


What about becoming a secret shopper? You can do this in two ways, either online or you register with a company and they pay you to review shops, restaurants, shows, cinemas, or go on product days and sit in a room with loads of other people talking about what you think of the products you are shown. My neighbour's daughter does it and says she enjoys it and gets paid for testing new things and eating in nice restaurants for free.


How about taking in ironing or envelope filling or cold calling in the evenings? Not sure how easy it is to get into, but a few people over here in Spain are Bingo chatmasters and get paid good money for it. Something you could do whilst your little one is asleep. Just thinking outside of the box, what about dog walking or cleaning? My friend started her own cleaning business when her business failed and has never looked back. She was inundated with people wanting their houses cleaned. She is having to turn people away as she now has too many.


You are separating the toilet sheets and eating Quorn:nah: - come on, you are doing really well Hon, so don't give yourself a hard time.

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The ice cream van thing made me laugh too!!

I plan all our meals, and shop at Aldi. I always used to use the main brand washing tablets and conditioner etc., but now just use Aldi, which are fine (no, I don't work for Aldi - I'm a teacher!). It's saved us lots of money each week.

We bought a car from Ebay that runs on dual fuel i.e. LPG gas or petrol. LPG is half the price of petrol....... big savings!

We're selling piles of stuff on Ebay at the moment, but more to get rid of stuff than make money! Trying to cut down on stuff in the hope that one day we'll get that Visa, and will have to fit everything into a packing crate...........

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Oh no no no. It's not quorn. It's asda's own. Can't afford quorn. I'm saving to emigrate lol.


is your PIO friend doing the trials the one with 2 heads and 3 ears on the profile pic????


Mystery shopper sounds good though. And I am a member of seefilmfirst. They send me free tickets now and then to see films.



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Good old aldi. Get some great stuff in there. I shopped there last week. Go about once a month. To be honest we have an aldi, a Tesco, an Asda and a morrisons all off one roundabout. I tend to shop in a differen one each week unless there is £5 off your next shop or something.


Ive stopped buying pasta sauce too. I buy smart price passata (29p) and throw in some herbs, a little bit of chilli and a tsp of sugar. Bingo.



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