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Guest Nathan1996

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Guest Nathan1996

hello, i just moved here from Ireland like 7 months ago i am in year 12. I want to go TAFE next year to study to become a electrician but i also want to go back home for a month holiday next March for my birthday but i hear TAFE starts in February. So i wanted to know is there anything i can do? I don't want to wait another year to start TAFE. any help would be great -Nay

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Why not go in April, over the Easter holiday break? That way you will get to celebrate your actual birthday with your family here and be 18 when you arrive in Ireland a few weeks later. School/Tafe Easter holiday for 2014 is 12 April - 28 April (approx).

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You will need to check with the actual TAFE campus. Many of the courses involve block or day release so perhaps you will be able to cover a any time away. More likely though, is that you find 3 weeks on your old stomping ground is enough to catch up with friends and family. You can only handle so much Guinness! :)

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Nothing at all Nathan - it's just that a lot of TAFE courses are not full time in respect of full days for 5 days, that's all. Some students are classified as 'full time' and yet are only actually at the TAFE 3 days a weeks. My daughter is currently at university as a full time student studying Business. Some weeks she is only there for a couple of hours on a Tuesday and Thursday.

You need to contact the TAFE that you intend to go to and ask them about the situation. They are best placed to answer your question in regards to the holiday scenario.

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