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Car finance/ mobile phone contracts etc with no credit history


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I was reading on a previous thread about applying for a mortgage with no credit history and how that its about affordability rather than credit history. Does the same apply for car finance and mobile phone contracts? Is a work contract sufficient to prove you can afford to pay? We have a hire car for the first 2 weeks but will need to get our own car asap. Any advice would be appreciated!

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Yes, a contract of employment will be fine, the contract will have to show what hours you do and what your hourly rate is. They will take into consideration the cost of a family 4 (if that's your family make up) to live out here and if you don't earn enough you won't get the finance. You will also need bank statements with a healthy balance and be able to put a third of the value of the car down as a deposit. We just got our car last week on finance and it takes a bit of work but it can be done.

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