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Family friendly suburbs around Perth?

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​Hi, we are lookin into areas that we might move to when and if we get a visa! I am a

a nurse and will probably end up working in the hospital in subiaco or the new hospital being built in Murdoch. Don't want to stretch ourselves at first with rent so about $450 per week and commute no longer than 45 mins in the car. Not sure whether north or south of the river. Good primary schools too! Does such an area exist in our price range?

Thanks in advance for any help with this x

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​Hi, we are lookin into areas that we might move to when and if we get a visa! I am a

a nurse and will probably end up working in the hospital in subiaco or the new hospital being built in Murdoch. Don't want to stretch ourselves at first with rent so about $450 per week and commute no longer than 45 mins in the car. Not sure whether north or south of the river. Good primary schools too! Does such an area exist in our price range?

Thanks in advance for any help with this x


Have a look at this site first and bung in your $450 as search criteria. http://reiwa.com.au/home/default.aspx


Then have a read through this to give you a gerneral idea. http://reiwa.com.au/home/default.aspxAssuming maybe three of you but you do not say? For $450 a week you would need to go fairly far north or south to get that price range. As for the commute if you travel in peak times then 45 minutes either north of south will not take you far in terms of distance and then of course that may not be far enough out to achieve that level of rent. If you travel outside peak times then Murdoch from any direction is easy because it is on the main freeway routes. Subi is a little off track and so you would need to add a lot if travelling in peak times because you will hit the city and just a few minutes more if outside peak times.


If it was me I would pay more on rent and try to get nearer. Save money on less petrol and have more personal time. As for primary schools all seem to be good by what is said on these threads so that should not be an issue.

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