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Everything posted by Bouncy

  1. Hi @Monkey2645 that would be fab!! Let me know how you get on, we could meet up, would be great for the kids to make friends before they start! Fingers crossed for you!! It's a great area and school, everyone's been so helpful and friendly so far! Xxx
  2. Hi there, we've just moved to seascapes and my son will be starting pre primary in February at ssh! I've heard nothing but good reports about the school from parents! Hope your kids like it!! Xx
  3. Hi there, great update! We've been here 4 weeks now and just moved into seascapes 2 weeks ago! It's a lovely area! You have chosen well!! Xx
  4. @LoopyLauren, our kids are similar ages! We'll have to get them all together once we are all there!! I've spoken with a few people who are out there in similar situations and they have found the wrap around care to be great, we've never needed it here so it's good to know how it works out there! Child care is my major concern! That and finding a house!!!!!
  5. Hi there! We are moving out end of August and looking to move around port Kennedy/ secret harbour and the surrounding areas! I've got two boys! Will be great to meet up with other mums once we arrive!! We are from Newcastle, my hubby is from Bury Lancashire originally! How are you finding it there @Rebecca Newell ?
  6. Hi all, we are moving over in August too, also a nurse with two children. I'm also worried about the whole flexible working thing!! It makes me very nervous! A lot of people must be in a similar position though so I'd like to think (hope) that workplaces have to be flexible to some degree!
  7. That was my thinking too! Good luck with it all xx
  8. Hi there, I remember having the same stress about that question! I asked others and it seemed half said no and half said yes and added husbands name. I put yes and put my hubby down and as he was on the application also I thought common sense would make this ok!! It was and I got my 189 visa no problem! I think it would only be a prob if parents were split and one not included in visa!! Hope this helps!! X
  9. Yes I e wondered about this too, it's are brittax ant maximising and weren't cheap. I think we will sell outs here and buy new there as wee illness them straight away and won't want to wait til container arrives! At least then I'll know the new ones are up to the Aussie standards.
  10. Ooooh, we will be going just before that @LoopyLauren. When I pluck up the courage to book that is!!
  11. In not bringing ours but then I don't like them either so happy to ditch! If I liked them I would take them! When are you going again @LoopyLauren?
  12. @LoopyLauren, my kids are 2 and 4 and we are looking to come out end of August, my heads spinning with all the planning!! I'm looking for holiday lets but there's not much unless your a family of 8 with a hefty budget!! @jo and scott we have the same do list! Feels like a mountain to climb at the moment! Oh and I'm petrified ha!!! (Nervous laugh) ;-)
  13. This is really exciting! I'm at this point too, need to book flights but I'm petrified!!!!!! Ha! How old are your kids? Where in Perth you headed? We may need to share that park bench!!! oh and AHPRA don seem to know their ar$e from their elbow ;-)
  14. Hi there! I'm a nurse! My ANMAC assessment took 14 weeks, ahpra reg took 8 weeks and visa took 11 weeks!! So if your paperwork is sorted to do each step straight after the other it might be quicker than a year!
  15. Thanks @Deb, I'll have s look at rockingham too! Just had a look at halls head @Happy little Vegemite and can't believe the houses with pool for under 500 per week! How far is it from perth in car or train? We won't be going to perth for work so it's not too bad!
  16. Lovely to read! Where did you settle @<Dan>?
  17. Thanks @verystormy and @Happy little Vegemite, so much for these replies! Really the only reason for not going further south than meadow springs is just distance to perth if we need to go for anything! I hope to be working in mandurah though. I love the sound of secret harbour, what is it that makes it so "love it or hate it" I'm going to look at halls head and dawesville though is there a kindy there? Nursery? My kids are only 2 and 4 so need lots on for them both! A pool would be amazing but never dreamt we'd afford one!!
  18. Hi all, I'm researching areas South of the river at the moment and an keen to find somewhere with a good community, stuff on for families and good primary school! Goid commuting distance to work would be prob no further north than secret harbour and no further south than meadow springs, so out of all the areas in between which is our best bet? Rent up to 500 ish per week, nice beach, surf club and stuff on for families!? Any advice massively welcome as my head is spinning!!!!!!!!
  19. I'm a paediatric nurse and our was a 189 visa!! Forgot to add that bit :-)
  20. We did ours in January this year, submitted the eoi on Sunday and woke up on Monday to an invitation to apply! So was more a matter of hours for us!! And I claimed 60 points too x
  21. No bloods or x ray for the kids! No urine either or bp. Just looked in eyes, ears and checked limb movements, all very easy and straight forward for the kids. My two rather enjoyed it, the Dr was lovely with them and even gave them chocolate for being good! Great day!! X
  22. Well done with the job that must be a big weight off your mind knowing you'll be earning tea straight away! Has your other half got anything yet? I've got an interview coming up for a hospital in mandurah so looking at secret harbour and the surrounds! So difficult to know where we'll like without being there!! I'm sure all will become clear! Enjoying looking at the houses in reiwa!! X
  23. Hi @Ashlenelouise! Ours came through in 11 weeks!! Got asked for medicals and police checks week 9, got them uploaded week 10 then 1 week later visa granted!!!! Not long at all!! We are hoping to come out in August! Do you know which area you'll go to? I'm slightly obsessed with areas at the mo, ha!! Will you be going alone or with family!! It's dead exciting isn't it!! :-)
  24. Hi @pegg I'm having it over the phone! No need for a power suit!! Ha! Have you got ahpra reg? I waited till I had registration and visa application submitted before approaching any jobs. They just don't seem to be interested til you have reg and pr!! Hope that helps!! X
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