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Everything posted by JMG79

  1. nikkiwd, Thanks for the info, do you have the link for the web page its on?
  2. Hi, we are in the same boat, we submitted our application and we don't know wether book medicals in advance or wait for the case officer to ask for them. Everything else is uploaded except the PVC and medicals.
  3. Hi DyLeB, I take it that also includes colour scans of pasport pages, or would they need to be certified? thanks
  4. Hi Nikkiwd, Thank you, and yes it has helped. I think I was on the right lines with my initial application (except with my partners qualifications could have been a disaster), however, confusion kicked in when I started reading to much and spoke to immi. I have to admit I used to read people’s posts, who were stressed out by their visa applications, and could not understand what all the fuss was about. Now after going through the process myself, I fully understand why people get so stressed out, it is a big commitment, and information from the official sources can be contradicting, no wonder even migration agents get it wrong! Thnaks again and hope you and Kbounds are allocated case officers soon
  5. Hello Nikkiwd and Kbounds, I was reading this thread and noticed that you are one step ahead of me. I am currently filling in the evisa application, however, I have hit a few problems along the way and was wondering if you have had the same problems, and how you got round them? The pages are number 1/17 to 17/17 yet there seems to be no page 5/17 on the evisa application yet when I printed the application off it has questions regarding previous visits to Australia, which I am unable to answer as I cannot access page 5/17, I phone Immi this morning and they have told me to log a technical support query with Skill select which I have done. Did you have a similar problem? 2) On the page where I have to enter my qualifications it askes for my partner qualifications. I am not claiming points for partner skills, and Immi told me I do not need to complete this section, yet unless I enter something I am not able to move on to the next page. Did you have to enter details of partner qualifications, even though you are not claiming points? If so how did you go about it? Again on the page where I have entered my work experience it is asking for my partners 10 year work history, again even though im not claiming points and it will not let me go to the next page unless I enter something. I was under the understanding that form 1221 was to be completed for partner details? Again have you had a similar problem and how did you over come it? Any advice, help or information would be greatly appreciated as I have been going round in circles for the last week now, and seem to be getting know where And the only way of contacting anyone seems to be through skill select which never seems to come back with a resolution.
  6. Hi, Been watching Perth Poms for a while now and found it to be a place for sound advice. I’m currently filling in a 190 Visa Application, and I’m a bit stuck with some of the pages and was wondering if anyone could help, and I’m not using a migration agent as I did not find them very helpful, and I can't afford to. I have a positive skills assessment level 8 IELTS and WA State sponsorship. Ok, here we go. 1) When I printed my visa application off to check it there was a question which asks "has the applicant previously traveled to Australia or previously applied for a visa" but cant find this question anywhere on the electronic application? I have traveled there before spent a year there between 99 and 2000. 2) On page 12/17 it asks for qualifications, I have entered my degree (as this was assessed by Vet assess), but then it asks for all secondary qualifications so if I list my diploma, A levels and GCSE's do I select the qualification type other as they have cot been assessed against the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)? 3) I’m not claiming any points for Partner qualifications, however again on page 12/17, it asks for details of my partner qualifications. My wife has a Masters. Do I list this qualification as a Masters, or as other as we have not had her qualifications assessed against the AQF? 4) Employment History, with this I does not have the exact dates I started and finished employment (except my current employment, which I have been in for the last 8 years). So do the dates need to be exact or can I just use the First date of every month? D0 I need to account for gaps in employment where I went traveling? 5) Birth Certificate document identification numbers, is this the number in the top right hand corner that seems to start 3-4 letters then 6 numbers? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help with this,
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