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About marcozambini

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks @emyc468 [emoji3] If no one's shipping earlier we'll definitely take u up on that offer. Can u pm me closer to the date with more details?
  2. Hey @JenPen not in a desperate rush. When are you thinking?
  3. Hi everyone. Despite good planning, we ended up with a box that we didn't ship in our container and was too big to put in to our luggage. I'm a primary school teacher and the box is full of classroom resources. We were wondering if there's anyone shipping to Perth from the Midlands who wouldn't mind our box going in their container. The box is with my parents in Worcestershire and could be brought to you dependent on distance. There's definitely a few bottles of your fave tipple in it if you can help us [emoji3] My email is mark_112000 at Hotmail dot com Thanks! [emoji3]
  4. Great post. It's true. Always keep reminding yourself why you did this. Keep going, work hard and opportunities will present themselves. Thanks @duffieldtowers , great positive post has given me a real lift [emoji3]
  5. Don't worry one little bit. We hadn't set foot is Australia before moving permanently and we're now a week in and LOVING it! Got mobile phones, Medicare, drivers licences, a long term lovely rental near the CBD, the lot! It is a bonkers thing to do, but go with it and soak in that amazing Auzzie spirit! Anything you need just ask [emoji3]
  6. Hi all, So we arrived Thursday and had loads of viewings for rentals and properties to buy so far. We don't really mind where we rent whilst we're setting up but I'd like your opinions on these suburbs where we've viewed homes to buy. Please be totally honest, all the info we can get helps. Thanks! [emoji3] Mirabooka Padbury Mullaloo Bayswater Maylands Inaloo Thanks everyone Mark & Fabi X
  7. Big congrats Elfie! [emoji3]
  8. Any tips on insurance companies in Australia?
  9. Big thanks @Laz . The container arrives tomorrow so was really helpful to read about the process in detail. I'm kinda dreading the import fees but I love the car so que sera sera! Thanks again mate [emoji3]
  10. Hi all! Well, after reading this kind of post from so many of the amazing members on this forum, it's finally our turn to post our final post from the UK. We're sitting in the airport departure lounge after saying a final and emotional farewell to family. We can't believe how quickly the day has come and it's hard to describe the emotions we're going through right now. It's not complete excitement, but it's not fear either. It's all pretty surreal and I think we're both wondering when it will actually hit us. We will keep on posting and supporting others who are doing this because this forum has been (and I'm sure will continue to be) an absolute lifeline to us. You've all been so helpful and supportive especially at the MANY times of doubt, delayed visas and job hunting. Thank you to everyone who's posted their thoughts or replied to anything we've asked. You probably don't realise how much it helps. Right, time to fly. It's a long journey ahead... Literally! Mark and Fabi x[emoji2]x
  11. Welcome to Perth Poms! [emoji3] Although this is something I can't help with, I'm sure there are plenty of folk here who can. Good luck with your plans!
  12. She's not wrong that wife of mine [emoji4]
  13. If it's still for sale at the end of March when we arrive, I might be interested [emoji2]
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