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  1. Shaz

    Hi Ktee, I would like to post an ad for rental. Would you please advise if this site can still be used for advertisement?

    Also what is the procedure? I cant find the tab for jobs and rental or sale etc on the website. Please advise. Kind Regards Shaz

  2. Hi, just reading the post and very good advise from the members, just thought to add little more from my experience. If you do want to migrate here then while studying and working in UK, you could keep approaching employers here. You only need one who can use your skills and happy to employ you. This may lead to your employer sponsoring you. I know its a long shot but I have met many people who have done the same but most of them, came here to study on their own expense and found an employer. In any event sending applications with your CV is still worth an effort. At least now thanks to internet, finding addresses of companies etc is much easier. Good luck, Shaz
  3. Hello everyone, sorry that I have not been able to keep up with the post. The issue of sinkhole has consumed my life. Naming the area or shire is bit difficult at the moment, I had a very bad experience with Shire but will in time.. For a while I was going around in circles. No one seemed to have any answers. It started in August and only now there is some hope of resolve. Finally shire has come on board so lets see if it does get resolved for good.
  4. Just a week ago, discovered sinkhole in front yard. So far lot of time wasted but have not found the source of the problem. Hired an Engineer but his report is pretty useless that only deals with half of the issue. So far have not found anyone who has experience and knows how to go about it. Called plumber but still nothing conclusive, contact soak well people still not very clear except that he says it is not the soakwell. Which is good news but what made the sand vanish? I know we had heavy rainfall but it has to be more than that for ground to just open like that. Lot of sand erosion has caused a void effecting part of the driveway and front brick wall. So far I understand that wall footing may have to be secured and ground filled and compacted but where is the leak? which pipe may have burst? Water meter seem to be running fine that indicates no leak. Any ideas, suggestions? Know any professional who can help without costing arm and leg? I would be so grateful for your input, thanks in advance.
  5. Just a suggestion from my personal experience. HSBC is one bank which allows you to open account in UK and Aus. I opened an account in UK from Perth so I can imagine it will be the same from there too.
  6. Hi everyone, I am looking for a reliable cleaning person in East Perth area and Stirling. Requesting for your recommendations. Please send a message in my inbox.Thanks
  7. Hi Kirsty, have you considered related fields as you have experience with children. Education & Teaching list consists of various teaching jobs, maybe an extra study course help? One other thing I can think of is child care, since this business is very strong in Perth.
  8. This news indeed is the most horrifying to date. I would like to know, if police will be charging the biological father or not.
  9. ""NOR" means North of the River. Same terminology is used for South being, "SOR".
  10. Hi JaseandAnne, I am sorry to hear about your experience, most of us have gone through similar experiences, either you are overqualified or under. I think you have discovered the gap in this particular market. If you can afford it then perhaps starting your own business might work for you, not to mention giving these employers a good healthy competition. Since you have managerial skills then there are lot of other sectors to look into. Doesn't matter if your visa is for mechanic, it doesn't limit you anyway. Just a thought. Please don't be disheartened, something good must be around the corner, nothing stays the same.
  11. Shaz

    Landed !

    Welcome indeed. So good to hear about your positive experience. Looking forward to hearing about more of the same.
  12. Hello Cammie, Welcome to the forum. Happy Birthday. Sounds like you have given yourself a birthday present of an adventure. I know its a big move but no need to be nervous. At the moment, lot of rental properties are available and by October rental market is not going to change in a rush. Job market is always tough everywhere but I am sure things will work out. I am glad that you have joined this site which I have found to be quite informative. Please dont hesitate to ask questions, I am sure one of us will be able to provide needed information. Talk to you soon:)
  13. Hi Gazz, I am sure you have already checked out the website information on how to apply for a new passport: https://ppol.passports.gov.au/web/forms/entrypoint.aspx. If you are getting your citizenship on 13th June and traveling in August then you do have time to get your new passport. Go to the nearest Post Office to have your passport photos taken while you can ask them any questions that you may have. Not sure they will be able to answer all of them though. Find out if you can have an interview date set up before hand. Also when filling the application select to pick up the passport from the passport office at Sherwood Court, Exchange Plaza building on 17th Floor personally which can save you at least couple of weeks by post.
  14. Shaz

    Hello poms!!

    You are welcome. I am sure everything will be fine. I remember when we were in the process, every procedural letter used to give us warning not to wrap up our affairs yet as if hahaha. It took us one year so sounds like the time frame is still the same even after 30+ years. I found senior members of this forum very knowledgeable and helpful. Personally I would like to read people's feedback on their experience of this big adventure, after all it is not a decision you make it lightly.
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