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489 visa or keep re-sitting the IELTS


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The biggie is are you confident that you can stick to the conditions of the visa. If you are going state sponsored, you have to work regionally for 1 year and live in that area for 2 years. So basically for the first 2 years you have to live and work in a low populated area. Or if you are family sponsored you are lucky and can work anywhere in WA.


If your job is usually based in a city environment you could struggle with work, that's the downside of the visa.

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We had exactly the same dilemma hubby sat Ielts 6 times to get 8's to get 20 points for 190 visa but struggled with writing part got all 7's after 2nd attempt, so we decided on going to Perth to see what job situation would be like in regional areas and also look at 457 sponsor visa but when we heard that you have to pay school fees and it is only temporary visa we decided against it, but we found we will be ok for work in Mandurah and schools are good there too so we then decided to start the 489 visa. What job do you do and have you looked to see if there is work there for you in regional areas?

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Hi all I'm in the exact same position I've just did the ielts yesterday for the fourth time. And I don't think I have gotten all 8s my previous results are L7.5 R7.5 W7.5 S 8.5 it's a nightmare and I'm rubbish at English. But can anyone tell me if you go self employed can your home address be your business address so you could be based at home and work wherever you want? Just a thought and thanks for the great post.



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Hi all, just wanted to get some people's advice who went on a 489 visa or carried on re-sitting the IELTS.


I missed out by getting a 7 on the reading, over 8's on all other subjects, I just don't think I can do it again for the 5th time. Any advice would be great.



Hi chris. I was in the same situation, I only done the ielts once and missed out by half a mark, but I was we'll against doing it again so I went for the 489 visa and I am now here on it , I am a carpenter to trade and living in mandurah , only been here for 2 weeks but there seems to be a lot of work happening , I'm confident il find something regional, good luck with what ever you do

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Hi .. My husband also failed ilets test a couple of times and our agent advised changing visa to 489 which we have and we too are looking to head to Mandurah :) it looks a lovely place and busy considering its low populated. Although there is always the worry of not being able to find work!!! My husband is a welder and would eventually like to work on fifo jobs but until the 12months has lapsed he will have to find something in Mandurah, but then that gives us chance to settle in and get our little lad in to school etc


good luck with your decision .... Who ever thought up the ilets test !!! One word... HARSH!!!


Kayli :)))

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Hi all i came on to ask about practice material people have used for ielts.

Now however im worried because im rubbish in exams and suffer with being struck dumb by nerves.

We are looking to apply for 190 but having read your posts what would the area of rockingham come under is that regional?.

I have recieved email reply from company interested in me but 457 out of question due to school fees etc. We have 3 kids!!!.

Any suggestions or advice greatfully recieved.

Great post thanks

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Stick with it mate!!! i got 9's in everything bar my writing(7.5) and sat the damn thing 6 times!!! After my 5th attempt i went to Leeds Uni to have one on one tuition with an IELTS tutor. Dont get me wrong ,this has cost me a fortune with the re-sits and tuition but at the end of the day its all down to you and how determined you are to go on the 190 visa.


The 489 was never an option for my family as there was no work specific to my job in the areas stated...i eventually got the points needed and have lodged our visa!!


Good luck with whichever you choose!!

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No rockingham is not regional as out of choice thats where we wanted to head and since changin our visa to a 489 we have had to re think and change our desired destination for that reason. Our agent said that mandurah is probably the most popular of the stipulated regional areas as it has good link and schools etc


If you go on austrailia website it states post codes for the regional areas that you can live in on a 489 may be worth researching them before you do decide to go ahead with it... As even though they say regional areas this is only certain areas and NOT ALL regions in a regional area.


Good luck x

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Hi Niall,


When we went on our recent reccie a few weeks ago, this was something that was suggested to my hubby at one of his meetings/interviews as he is self employed here that they could do the same there, but please do not take this as 100% off me as I said to my hubby for the first 2 years I would rather stick by all the rules and get our PR, do not want to risk anything as its so hard trying to get a visa would not want to jeopardise it.

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Thanks for all your post everyone, I got my IELTS results today L8.5 R6.5 W7 S9, that's worse then last time, I have really had enough with this test, I am thinking long and hard about going for the 489 visa but I'm nervous that it might not be the right choice, I am a hairdresser and my partner is a team manager in social housing, he has worked with people with addiction and mental health issues, I am hoping Mandurah is going to be an ok option for us both to find work. I guess it's a difficult choice many have made before, anymore advice would be a good mood lifter from the disappointment from this money making test.

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Hi Guys we have wasted over £1000 with the test hubby got all 7's on 2nd attempt but we kept carrying on with test on a monthly basis and also very expensive tutoring and the last test he took he got worst results ever for writing luckily we were in Perth when we got the results and researched regional areas and found that there was enough work in regional areas and not worth stressing over the IELTS the 489 is not a bad option either and after 2 years you can apply for PR and move to whichever area suits you better in WA!! I would not waste much more time and wish we had not as we would have had our Visa by now!! I would just try reasearching for jobs in regional areas first for you both.:smile:

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Hi Kayli,


I think your hubby would be able to fifo for the first 12 months anyway if you look at regional areas it only Perty City Centre he cannot work, as far as I am aware you can live in 1 regional area and work in another, please check that!!




Oh really I was not aware of this I will ask my agent when I speak with her next if that's the case he will be happy!!!


Cheers kayli :)))

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Too true.... ilets should be banned !!!!! It's not fair !!! Especially if your first language is English and have always spoke English and sat gcses s etc its way to hard and for all the wrong reasons !!!!


Totally feel for you :((((

Have to agree with you there, I feel it's just a money making machine. My bro in law failed his ielts last week there was 50 candidates only 3 British who had to score 7's the other candidates who were applying for a British visa only needed a 5! I just don't get it?

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Hi ... The ilets put us back 12 months and we have now changed the visa:((


im not sure about the work I'm trying to find tht out also ... My husband needs welding work and I require work within the substance misuse field or complex needs, homelessness sector ...


Good luck


kayli :)))


Its just so hard to get a grip on the employment situation. We have 2 young kids, if it was just the 2 of us we would pack up and head over and think nothing of it but with the kids we need more security. I have a friend who lives in southern river (sor) she seems to think there is plenty of work for tradies but I've read so many conflicting stories now, my heads all over the place. A lottery win is much needed to fund a couple of reccies!

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Yes I totally understand as we too would have back packed it but having a four year old son who's our main priority is the reason we too needed to ensure all is as smooth as possible for the transition over by also so that we can financially support ourselves is another big big must and concern should we not both secure employment!!!!



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