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Sure. Took all of an hour. They checked my weight and height and took a photo (be prepared for that, I wasn't. Bad hair day). Asked for a water sample. Then the doctor asked me if I've had any major health problems. Checked eye sight, blood pressure, Looked in my ears. Then I had to strip off to my underwear ( be prepared for that too if you know what I mean) while he palpated my stomach, checked my reflexes and joints and checked for melanomas. Then I had to stand up, bend over (keep it clean please) touch my toes etc. then the bra come off and my boobs were checked (this is only if you're over 40, lucky me!!). Then I had to have bloods taken and an chest x-ray. Jonny (6) had to have everything the same with the exception of the bloods and x-ray and boob examination obviously. There was only one painful procedure and that was entering my pin on the payment machine to the tune of £405. Ouch!!!



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OK so jonny and me have been for our medicals today. Jonny has passed and his has been uploaded. I have to wait for the chest x-ray to be reported on and the bloods to come back. So my question is how do you check the status of your medical or am I not allowed to look at that??


Can anyone help?




Hi Debs


We were told it would take a week. In fact we asked at the end of the medical whether we would all pass and they confirmed we were all grade A and the timeframe a for them completing the paperwork and loading it into the system. I waited a week and then we emailed our case officer who confirmed they'd all been received except mine. We chased the medical centre who said they'd all been loaded and again chased our CO. The next day we received our visa grant. I'm not sure if mine took a bit longer for DIAC to review and pass due to my age (being the oldest) but all in all it was all processed within 9 days.


Hopefully not long now!!!


Lou x

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Thanks Lou. I haven't waited for a CO to request them, I've just gone ahead with them. I've got APHRA registration which needs to be activated by 17 sep 2014 anyway so I need to be there one way or the other before that.


SNarayan I don't have any lipomas so it wasn't something that I asked about sorry. If I'd known before I went I would have asked for you.



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I went for medicals prepared with best undies on:laugh: , but none of us had to remove clothes, doc just lifted top up a bit to listen to chest at front and back. I do have a lipoma on my leg but as I didnt take trousers off he didnt see it, I doubt he would have said anything anyway.

We were graded A and mine took a week to show on the application (I believe its because the visa doc only works one day a week) hubbys took 9 days longer than mine, we were convinced he had been referred. It just cleared one day and he was sooo relieved!


If you have an agent debs they may not give you the details to check your application online.

Edited by nikkiwd
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Wow Debs, they gave you a going over. I had to get down to underwear, but had to lay underneath a blanket. He prodded my stomach and listened to my chest, but no breast examination. OH never did any of this. Perhaps this is normal for a nurse's meds? I remember chatting to a lady before going in and she said that each med is different depending upon your occupation, not sure how true that is.


OH's meds were OK and his were uploaded the next day and CO confirmed his assessment was complete. I think you will hear something very soon.


Good Luck and at this rate we will be seeing you soon in Perth.

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Sure. Took all of an hour. They checked my weight and height and took a photo (be prepared for that, I wasn't. Bad hair day). Asked for a water sample. Then the doctor asked me if I've had any major health problems. Checked eye sight, blood pressure, Looked in my ears. Then I had to strip off to my underwear ( be prepared for that too if you know what I mean) while he palpated my stomach, checked my reflexes and joints and checked for melanomas. Then I had to stand up, bend over (keep it clean please) touch my toes etc. then the bra come off and my boobs were checked (this is only if you're over 40, lucky me!!). Then I had to have bloods taken and an chest x-ray. Jonny (6) had to have everything the same with the exception of the bloods and x-ray and boob examination obviously. There was only one painful procedure and that was entering my pin on the payment machine to the tune of £405. Ouch!!!




Hi ya Debs...


We are waiting for a C.O to be allocated and then the ok to go for our medicals..... Just reading your detailed explanation and nearly spilt my beer....LMFAO!!





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Wow Debs, they gave you a going over. I had to get down to underwear, but had to lay underneath a blanket. He prodded my stomach and listened to my chest, but no breast examination. OH never did any of this. Perhaps this is normal for a nurse's meds? I remember chatting to a lady before going in and she said that each med is different depending upon your occupation, not sure how true that is.


OH's meds were OK and his were uploaded the next day and CO confirmed his assessment was complete. I think you will hear something very soon.


Good Luck and at this rate we will be seeing you soon in Perth.


The only difference for a nurse is the bloods. I was tested for hep c because of exposure which you have to have if your a doctor, nurse or dentist. He checked my boobs coz I'm over 40. If you're over 40 and didn't have yours checked then maybe my doctor was a perv ha ha. I don't mind though, my boobs got the all clear (plus I've been single for 3 years lol). They said to me that if there's anything wrong with the x-ray or bloods they'll contact me within 48 hours. If I don't hear from them then I've passed.


Jonny and me can't wait to get to Perth. You'll have to invite us (Lou and me) for a paella on the Barrie pmsl.



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Guest guest10912
Sure. Took all of an hour. They checked my weight and height and took a photo (be prepared for that, I wasn't. Bad hair day). Asked for a water sample. Then the doctor asked me if I've had any major health problems. Checked eye sight, blood pressure, Looked in my ears. Then I had to strip off to my underwear ( be prepared for that too if you know what I mean) while he palpated my stomach, checked my reflexes and joints and checked for melanomas. Then I had to stand up, bend over (keep it clean please) touch my toes etc. then the bra come off and my boobs were checked (this is only if you're over 40, lucky me!!). Then I had to have bloods taken and an chest x-ray. Jonny (6) had to have everything the same with the exception of the bloods and x-ray and boob examination obviously. There was only one painful procedure and that was entering my pin on the payment machine to the tune of £405. Ouch!!!




OMG!! That is the most bizarre and detailed medical I have ever seen anyone report on. And whilst we joke, I am seriously wondering if you did have a perv for a doctor!


We did not have photos taken, or remove any clothes, or touch toes (was that in your underwear btw?) or have boobs checked.


Also just as FYI, nobody passes a medical on the day. The doctor carries out tests and reports outcomes, but the pass / fail decision is made in Australia.

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Sure. Took all of an hour. They checked my weight and height and took a photo (be prepared for that, I wasn't. Bad hair day). Asked for a water sample. Then the doctor asked me if I've had any major health problems. Checked eye sight, blood pressure, Looked in my ears. Then I had to strip off to my underwear ( be prepared for that too if you know what I mean) while he palpated my stomach, checked my reflexes and joints and checked for melanomas. Then I had to stand up, bend over (keep it clean please) touch my toes etc. then the bra come off and my boobs were checked (this is only if you're over 40, lucky me!!). Then I had to have bloods taken and an chest x-ray. Jonny (6) had to have everything the same with the exception of the bloods and x-ray and boob examination obviously. There was only one painful procedure and that was entering my pin on the payment machine to the tune of £405. Ouch!!!




We were pretty much the same Debs, except for the bra removal and boob check and I'm over 40 so either it depends on the centre or doctor or yours was a peeve!!! Ps. I had a female doc not sure if the made a difference! Haha :biggrin:


Lou x

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OMG!! That is the most bizarre and detailed medical I have ever seen anyone report on. And whilst we joke, I am seriously wondering if you did have a perv for a doctor!


We did not have photos taken, or remove any clothes, or touch toes (was that in your underwear btw?) or have boobs checked.


Also just as FYI, nobody passes a medical on the day. The doctor carries out tests and reports outcomes, but the pass / fail decision is made in Australia.


Get what you're saying. I suppose what I should have said was Jonny's was passed by he doc and uploaded straight away. I passed the physical exam but have to wait for blood and x-ray results, and if they are ok mine will be uploaded too. They said they would be within 48 hours. I was extremely pleased that I passed the physical as I had surgey on my spine last year.


And yes, I had to bend over in my underwear. Good job my undercrackers were clean!!!



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We had the exact same experience as travelchic, the doc did ask me if id like a chaperone but hubby was there so didn't need one. Think i was more embarrassed that i couldn't touch my toes easily (no medical problem just not had to do it in a while!). Had ours last Friday and not heard back yet but think OH and baba were referred as had to tick yes in one of the boxes so its automatic referral. Doc said he was going to free text that he thought there were no problems. I was dreading the medicals but everyone was lovely and put us at ease. Hope to hear back soon...

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We had the exact same experience as travelchic, the doc did ask me if id like a chaperone but hubby was there so didn't need one. Think i was more embarrassed that i couldn't touch my toes easily (no medical problem just not had to do it in a while!). Had ours last Friday and not heard back yet but think OH and baba were referred as had to tick yes in one of the boxes so its automatic referral. Doc said he was going to free text that he thought there were no problems. I was dreading the medicals but everyone was lovely and put us at ease. Hope to hear back soon...





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Think so! Was bridgewater at m'cr, Dr smith


Ha ha. Same as me. Ours was 12.20. was out of there by 13.10. He didn't strike me as a perv. Was dead nice with jonny. Just thorough I think. At least I know I am physically healthy lol. He said to me that if I don't hear within 48 hours then my bloods and x-ray are fine. Fingers crossed they don't contact me. What time was your appointment?



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I thought he was really nice too, felt very comfortable, he was fab with our 2 yr old. He said the same to us abt only hearing from them if something was wrong and not heard anything so...! I think he was thorough, even mentioned he had found something in the past on someone who is ok now thanks to him. We had ours on 25th at 1140 was out by 1230 x

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