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Next Chapter of Questions


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... so having spent all these years planning, filling in forms, waiting, waiting some more, going through the process and TA DAH! The Golden ticket arrives... more planning, researching, investigating, going on forums, waiting and next the time will arrive when we shall depart and then arrvive in sunnier shores....


The next chapter of questions:


1) Is it worth bringing our TV's, I know they are expensive there but will they pick up the digital channels that they need to, they are fairly new, we have a smart tv, will it work there?

2) Is most of the TV the same as Sky here... this will be for the newbies I guess who have a more recent comparison..

3) Clarks shoes.. do the kids where them to school there too?

4) random... bit matresses seem quite expensive out there? Am I misguided in this thinking??


thanks in advance for humouring me

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1) - yes your TV will work, but they are comparatively cheap here to buy, so I guess it depends how much room you have and how attached you are to it!

2) - cant really comment as never had sky but TV in generally is pretty pants!

3) - possibly depends on the school (public or private) but our state school kids wear trainers, I think most of the gov schools are the same but dont know about private schools

4) - yes mattresses are really quite expensive here (but then they can be depending on what you get in the UK as well) I would bring them if you have space - but you also need to work out what you are going to do before your container arrives, if you will need to buy one to survive on, then you need to decide if it is really worth shipping!

I hope that helps and I am sure people with better TV knowledge will be along soon!

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thanks for the info. not very attached to most things just a case of working out the cheapest way to make it happen. Is it worth bringing the fake Christmas tree for example.

Glad tv will both work and be cheap.

Mattress wise are the sizing the same: single, double, king> ,,, will bring mattresses if that's the case but the frames aren't worth shipping. We are in a holiday let for first 6 weeks so hopefully we will have found somewhere by then... unless of course we haven't found work. This whole having the money for the full rental contract in the bank just isn't going to happen. we are coming across on a shoe string..

being teachers we may not be able to secure a contract until the feb after ( we arrive in July).. if we did supply would this be enough to be counted as a regular income? OMG this could be a deal breaker :/

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OH is Design Technology which is in demand, I've been all sorts - secondary, mainly in charge of pastoral and transition so Im hoping that this will be transferable given the situation with changing high school intake. fingers crossed we get jobs... in theory we should be fine, but its scary of course giving up well paid jobs here, to go to oz and start again. Will probably take a while to get the ropes but will be worth it in the end

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