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Catholic primary teacher


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Hi there! My family and I have pr and are hoping to make the move to Perth late September. I am a qualified primary teacher but realise there are not many jobs ? however, I have catholic accreditation. Will this benefit me? I followed jobs last year and there seemed to be more available in catholic schools? I also noted that they seem to come out term 4, hence the arriving at this time. Hoping my chances will be higher if I'm actually there! I'm already registered with trbwa but not sure if there is anything else I need to do? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks

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I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is Catholic accreditation? Is it being a Catholic or did you have to attend a special training course?


Not at all, basically I went to a catholic uni and I have an extra qualification to teach in catholic schools. It is a requirement here in Scotland.


Are u in Perth? Are u a teacher?

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Hi, I am a secondary school teacher in the UK. My first school was catholic and since then I have always taught at Church of England schools. Not necessarily planned, just turned out that way. My boys go to C of E schools too, so basically I am immersed in that way of thinking. I went to view a primary school for my boys years ago (my first view as a parent) and asked if they sang hymns in assembly. The woman looked at me in horror and said they didn't do that sort of thing, part from maybe 'All things Bright and Beautiful' at Harvest Festival. It seemed odd to me, as that was my memory of being at school when I was a kid. Not heavy religion but just accepted Christian traditions.


Not sure how it is in Oz.

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Hi, I am a secondary school teacher in the UK. My first school was catholic and since then I have always taught at Church of England schools. Not necessarily planned, just turned out that way. My boys go to C of E schools too, so basically I am immersed in that way of thinking. I went to view a primary school for my boys years ago (my first view as a parent) and asked if they sang hymns in assembly. The woman looked at me in horror and said they didn't do that sort of thing, part from maybe 'All things Bright and Beautiful' at Harvest Festival. It seemed odd to me, as that was my memory of being at school when I was a kid. Not heavy religion but just accepted Christian traditions.


Not sure how it is in Oz.


In state schools no religion at all, some schools may teach scripture but I believe it's rare and in my 9 years here the state primary schools my children attended didn't do the whole nativity thing. Obviously in the anglican, catholic, baptist, lutheran schools there will be religion taught.

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Catholic schools have their own education department, separate from the Govt one. Every teacher who works in a Catholic school has to be able to teach RE but doesn't necessarily have to be Catholic - though it helps. I have worked in several Catholic primary schools (as a psychologist) and am not Catholic but I did have to attend some mind numbing inservice days at the Cath Educ Office(CEO)! Vacancies are often advertised in the West Australian on Saturdays but best place is on the CEO web site - http://internet.ceo.wa.edu.au/Employment/Pages/Vacancies.aspx Vacancies occur throughout the year as there are always maternity posts and long service leave temporary posts.

I'll also add that kids don't have to be Catholic to attend a Catholic school though it is harder to get in and you'll have to put up with all the religious nonsense if you do!!

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