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Looking for a sponsorship as construction site mananger!


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Hi. my name is charlie and my husband is chris. we are very new to all this so please bare with us.

We currently live in plymouth in devon. Needless to say, we have had enough of the storms!

we are hoping to move to WA for around 12 months with our two small girls.

We are hoping to be able to go down the sponsorship route for a job. chris is a construction site manager with 15 years experience and i am a hairdresser although i have been out of the loop for a couple of years.

we havent got a clue where to start looking! any info would be greatly received so feel free to write us a message and help point us in the right direction.

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Hi charlie

The first thing to look at is what visa you might quaify for. So the first thing to do is look at the immi web site and check out the two lists SOL and CSOL.


It is better not to go down the employer sponsored route as this is usually a temporary visa and has a number of restrictions. There is also a requirement for temporary visa holders to pay school fees and these are expensive - $4000 for the first child and $2000 for other children. There are other issues as well such as if you lose your job while on a company spnsored visa (457) you only have 90 days to find another sponsor or leave the country. As a result i would recomend you first investigate permanent visas

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My OH is a construction Project Manager. We went for a 190 state sponsored visa. It meant we we automatically invited to apply and if granted, the visa is permanent. Lots of evidence to collect for skills assessment and have to do an IELTS language test! not nice but need it for the points. Medicals, police checks, etc. a long process. The immi site is the best place to start researching.


feel free to ask for further guidance.

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Hi charlie

The first thing to look at is what visa you might quaify for. So the first thing to do is look at the immi web site and check out the two lists SOL and CSOL.


It is better not to go down the employer sponsored route as this is usually a temporary visa and has a number of restrictions. There is also a requirement for temporary visa holders to pay school fees and these are expensive - $4000 for the first child and $2000 for other children. There are other issues as well such as if you lose your job while on a company spnsored visa (457) you only have 90 days to find another sponsor or leave the country. As a result i would recomend you first investigate permanent visas


Hi, thanks very much for your reply. its very interesting.

90 days seems like a long time but i can imagine it goes very quick when your looking for not only a job but a sponsorship too!

Is the perminant visa harder/ more expensive to go for?

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Yes a PR visa requires more hoops to jump through and is more expensive. But you can then live in Oz indefinatly and work for who ever you want. 90 days can be a very short time. For example, in Oz a lot of employers do not recruit november, december and january.


If you have children in WA on a 457 then from next year there are school fees to be paid - $4000 for a first child per year and $2000 for subsequant children. Also, the partners of 457 holders can have difficulty finding work as employers see them as only temps.

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