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Any other single parents on the migration route?


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Hi everyone,


I began the visa process in November (went about it a little bit backwards at first but ok now!) I am a single parent to a 16yr old and a 6 yr old and have a dog. I'm a nurse. Both of my oldest best friends have moved to Perth. I'm going to visit them both in April 2014 and have a much anticipated look around.

I was just wondering if there are any other singles/single parents who are in the process of moving to Oz and if they had any advice/experiences they would like to share with me?

Its tough at the best of times, but when you're the only adult it's doubly daunting! Lol


Also, if anyone who is a single parent already in Perth has any experiences/tips etc. that would be very kind too :)

good luck everyone and thanks

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Hi Ellie.


I'm in the single parent group lol. I have had my visa granted and am just waiting for my house to sell. Once that's sold were off.


I have a 7 yr old boy called jonny. We are super excited. I'm also a nurse. I can see you only live down the rd from me too.


Cant help with info about Perth coz I've never been (or any of Australia for that matter) but if I can help you with any of the visa process I will.


Welcome by the way.



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Hi Ellie


I've been wondering the same too. I'm on my own with a 9 year old daughter,leaving my older son here at uni. I have my PR visa and am hoping to be there in july/aug time. I have only been to Perth for a week years ago though I have been back and forward to Oz many times. All my family and friends are on the east coast and I have had some worries too about doing in on my own not knowing a single person.

The same as Debs I'm not obviously in oz yet but I'm more than happy to help with visa process if needed.


best of luck

Elaine :)

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Thanks for all of your replies :) hello!

It helps just to know that I am not on my own so thanks guys......Makes me feel a little less crazy! Lol

I know it's going to be difficult, but we are looking forward to the adventure :D

just had my letter from ANMAC to say they have received my application so fingers crossed I did it all right. I haven't used an agent but have figured out that im going for the 190 visa like you Debs.

Just wondering how I put my kids on the visa as well? Or do I add their details when I get invited to apply? Don't want to miss them out!! Haha


Thanks again for the replies and warm welcome :) x

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Yeah you put them on the visa application and then you pay heavily for it lol. Once your ANMAC is finished with the rest of it goes really quickly. It gets quite scary then. When ANMAC have finished with your assessment, ask them to pass your docs onto AHPRA for your registration. They send them every Friday for the people who ask. I did this and then only needed to send a cv and a payment. I had registration 3 weeks later but it seems to be taking a bit longer now. Once you have registration, you have 12 months to validate it.


elaine, I'm leaving 2 sons behind. They don't live at home anymore and didn't wanna come. That's the hardest part. I can't make them come with us and I have to respect their choices. I just wish I'd done it sooner before girlfriends came along. I think that would have made a difference. If my mum had wanted to take me to another country when I was their age I'd have jumped at the chance. Don't understand it but hey ho. It is what it is.



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Thanks Debs :) yes, the money is going to be pretty tight for me I assume that we are all in the same boat? Especially as Australia is so expensive initially. Any money saving tips great fully received! Lol

It must be hard for both you and Elaine leaving your grown up children behind, my heart goes out to you xx

But just think what a fantastic opportunity for you and your younger children! And the older ones might decide to join you in a little while? Or at least visit often. It is much easier to get to Australia now thank goodness :) I know that I'm going tto miss my family dreadfully.

Well good luck everyone, if I get stuck again I will be back lol x

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Debs n Ellie you're right It is hard leaving my son behind, I'm hoping he'll come out when he's done at uni but who knows he's talking of going to canada. I've thought about this for over 15 years so I have to give it a shot. Such a great adventure lies ahead, I'm really excited :) x

as for the money part Ellie there is a great thread on here (started by debs I think) about saving money which is a great read and very helpful. I'm personally keeping my fingers crossed for that big lottery win lol x

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  • 7 months later...

Hiya guys,

just wondering how you are both doing?

i got the bad news about ahpra not accepting diploma qualified nurses despite getting a positive ANMAC skills assessment :( it's crazy but it is what it is I suppose! Looks like I will have to do a 3 month bridging programme when I get over there but ill cross that bridge when I come to it!

i lodged my visa application in August and now waiting for a sign :)

Would love to know how you are getting on Elaine and Debs?

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The bridging course here is big money and I'm not even sure of any unis in WA that do it- - you should def do the top up modules in the UK it will be much cheaper and doesn't take long at all


I have posted quite a few times that UWS in Scotland do this online for circa £1k

Hiya guys,

just wondering how you are both doing?

i got the bad news about ahpra not accepting diploma qualified nurses despite getting a positive ANMAC skills assessment :( it's crazy but it is what it is I suppose! Looks like I will have to do a 3 month bridging programme when I get over there but ill cross that bridge when I come to it!

i lodged my visa application in August and now waiting for a sign :)

Would love to know how you are getting on Elaine and Debs?

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Thanks @wee_me :) Thanks so much for the info, not been on here for ages. I will look at the course and see if it will help me, thankyou :D

my problem is time scales, I have two post graduate modules already so would need another four. But I only have 11 months maximum to complete the whole visa process and get out there because my son is turning 18 and so will not be classed as dependant :(

if I had just one more year I would definitely do degree top up here first.

I will look at the Scottish online course and hopefully will be able to squeeeeeeze it in :) lol

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I'd give them a call and discuss what you'd need to do- 11 months is plenty of time! You could prob start the modules just now as a September intake and be finished just after Christmas. My top up was quite some time ago but it only took me 8 months doing it very part time. I done mine at UWS and they had good support then and they have a very good reputation (it is also really cheap)


Thanks @wee_me :) Thanks so much for the info, not been on here for ages. I will look at the course and see if it will help me, thankyou :D

my problem is time scales, I have two post graduate modules already so would need another four. But I only have 11 months maximum to complete the whole visa process and get out there because my son is turning 18 and so will not be classed as dependant :(

if I had just one more year I would definitely do degree top up here first.

I will look at the Scottish online course and hopefully will be able to squeeeeeeze it in :) lol

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Thanks @wee_me :)

I've sent them an email for further info!

Unfortunately time isn't on my side, as my son turns 18 in 11 months. I'd have to do another 4 modules to top up, which is pushing it I think within that time :(

I've pretty much resigned myself to being royally ripped off with the bridging course, albeit with a much shorter time frame and less brain work lol :)

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Your DipHE is worth 300 points and you only need 60 more for degree I'm not sure what your extra modules are worth but they could be 10,15 or 20. To complete your degree you could get RPL for your existing modules and do 20point ones and get it done quickly. I'm sure they always do prof development module that's worth 20 points :)



Really?? That sounds much more promising then! Ill see what the email says and thanks so much for your help :)
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Hi again @wee_me

The UWS is no longer offering the distance learning top up degree and everywhere else I have looked states 1 year full time or 2-5 yrs part time on campus study and its approx £6,000, which is about the equivalent of the bridging programme I think?

Damned if I do and damned if I don't :( at least the bridging programme is shorter and I would already be in Oz :)

thanks anyway and I will see what they say in the email, maybe they will have further suggestions?

Fingers crossed :)

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It's 240 points for DipHe and 360 required for degree, I have an extra 40 credits from the other two modules but would need at least another 4 modules (which take approx 2-3 months each) at 20 points each :( it would put me way over my time limit :(

It looks like the easiest option is the bridging programme? But if I find a way around it then I'll try anything :) lol

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What about GCU? They give you 300 points for being a reg nurse. The fees they state of 7k are for undergrads but they don't charge that much for nurses topping up. Have a look -I'd give them a call in the morning - again they have very good reputation. Click on level 1 reg nurse part





It's 240 points for DipHe and 360 required for degree, I have an extra 40 credits from the other two modules but would need at least another 4 modules (which take approx 2-3 months each) at 20 points each :( it would put me way over my time limit :(

It looks like the easiest option is the bridging programme? But if I find a way around it then I'll try anything :) lol

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H Elliew, good to see you're getting there. I am in perth with my daughter, my son is back in Scotland finishing uni. Can't believe I'm actually here. It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me but that's to be expected. It's a beautiful place and I've met some lovely people so far. I'm only here 3 weeks so I'm very much a newbie. Good luck, hope to see you out here soon x

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Remember you just need to get your son on your visa - if he is over 18 by the time you get here it makes no difference the important part is to get him on visa while he is a dependant. ANMAC will give you a positive skills assessment without degree it's APHRA that will be a problem but you can get your visa before you apply to AHPRA, this will give you time to do top up modules :)


oh another uni I forgot about is Robert Gordon in Aberdeen they are famous for online learning- I'd look up their website and call them :)



Thanks @wee_me :)

I've sent them an email for further info!

Unfortunately time isn't on my side, as my son turns 18 in 11 months. I'd have to do another 4 modules to top up, which is pushing it I think within that time :(

I've pretty much resigned myself to being royally ripped off with the bridging course, albeit with a much shorter time frame and less brain work lol :)

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H Elliew, good to see you're getting there. I am in perth with my daughter, my son is back in Scotland finishing uni. Can't believe I'm actually here. It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me but that's to be expected. It's a beautiful place and I've met some lovely people so far. I'm only here 3 weeks so I'm very much a newbie. Good luck, hope to see you out here soon x


Hey Elaine :) it's so good to hear from you again and to hear that both you and Debs have made it! Hurray!

How are you getting on? X

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Remember you just need to get your son on your visa - if he is over 18 by the time you get here it makes no difference the important part is to get him on visa while he is a dependant. ANMAC will give you a positive skills assessment without degree it's APHRA that will be a problem but you can get your visa before you apply to AHPRA, this will give you time to do top up modules :)


oh another uni I forgot about is Robert Gordon in Aberdeen they are famous for online learning- I'd look up their website and call them :)


Thanks @wee_me :)

I didn't realise that! I thought that we only had until he turns 18 to get out there, otherwise him being on my visa would be invalid? But you mean as long as I get my visa for the 3 of us we can still move out there even if he has turned 18? Is that right? ?

Ive got my positive Anmac and have applied for Ahpra already, didn't realise things had changed with them until I'd already sent it off :( hoping my specialist nursing post reg modules will swing it but not hopeful :/

i applied for the visa in August, just waiting for my co and then will do my PCC and Meds.

If it wasn't for this ahpra issue I would be almost there!

Glasgow have replied saying they will be in touch and I will

look at Robert Gordon's too. I didn't think to look in Scotland thanks for the tip! X

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Hi Ellie, doing well. Looking for work and then somewhere more permanent to stay. Still exploring and finding my feet. We are living in quinns rocks right now. Beautiful area.

Hope your plans start to come together. You sound like you're one determind lady so I'm sure it ll be fine. Do you have people you know in perth? X

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Hi Ellie, doing well. Looking for work and then somewhere more permanent to stay. Still exploring and finding my feet. We are living in quinns rocks right now. Beautiful area.

Hope your plans start to come together. You sound like you're one determind lady so I'm sure it ll be fine. Do you have people you know in perth? X


My two oldest friends are in Perth (one in Padbury, one in Aveley) and now know you and Debs as well! Lol ?

hope u get settled in and find a job soon. Have you sorted schools out before you left or when you have arrived? Any tips?! ?

i was looking at Debs posts and backtracking through them to see how she has gotten on and what she did, that's given me lots of ideas too. My determination comes and goes Elaine haha ? but yes I do really want to get us to Oz ? so jealous of you right now! Lol x

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