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Student Nurse - Elective Placement


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Firstly I would like to say hello! Its my first time posting; although I am addicted to PP and have been for about a year!


I am currently working towards becoming a nurse, access course almost completed and about to embark on Uni, thinking ahead I am aware that alot of Uni's offer an elective placement in your second or third year, which can be abroad and I'm sure I have recently read a post on PP of someone who completed one and got offered a job so basically all the waffling on - I am after advise and any information any one can give me on doing something like this??


Thank you in advance for reading my waffle!



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I had a fab student, first year, first placement. A lovely girl. I have offered to put her up if she wants to come for her elective placement. It's such a good experience to put on your CV. She will be doing it in her second year too. It used to be towards the end of your third year that you did it and I can see how you could be offered potential employment from that as it's not much after that you qualify. If that's what your aiming for then I would suggest leaving it as late in your training as possible. No one is likely to offer you a position if you've got more than a year before qualifying.


Good luck with your studying.



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Contact the universities as they place students. They do sometimes have too many students and not enough placements for them - so plan ahead. I hadn't read the post about someone being offered a job after having a placement - that sounds like good news - was it in the public or private sector?

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Thanks for your advice Debs! Have been following your very funny posts (without sounding like a stalker!!) - real inspiration! I've got 3 kids and can not wait to become a nurse and then emigrate, its always been a life long dream for myself and my hubby.


I think it would probably be wise to try and get an elective placement in my third year so this is what I'll aim for! We are going out on a reccie in Feb '15 and I can't wait :)


Good luck with organising everything for your big move.Have you already sorted a job before you get out there?


Sarah x



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Hi Sarah


I am just slightly behind you on this. I will be starting Access Course in September and fingers crossed should be starting nursing degree sept 2015.


I have always wanted to do it and want to move to Australia so It will be the best of both worlds I say ?


I would be interested in keeping in touch about what you do in regards to your elective placement. I think my local uni is in the third year but with a husband and two children it would be a bit more challenging for me to do a placement in Australia however I really believe it could open up doors for us and with it going on my CV would be an advantage.


How would you work this with a family of your own ? Go alone and think of it as necessary for your Australian dream or can you take your whole family too? Not sure how long the elective placement is for also?



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Hi Staffordshiregirl!


I'm only in Cheshire so not far away from you!! Am I right in thinking Keele Uni offer study abroad placements in your second and third year? The access course is tough but great - will be glad to complete this part of my journey though and start uni, as it will be one step closer to reaching our dream!


Re the elective placement in Oz, my husband and I have spoken in depth about this (my kids mean everything to me and I do everything with them and have never left them) For what I have researched your elective abroad placement can range from 4-8weeks, so the plan is that they will come out for 2-3weeks and then unfortunately have to go home, leaving me on my todd! Like you say it has the potential to open doors and although incredibly hard to be without my family for that length of time will be worth it if I can give them a better lifestyle in the near future?


Would be happy to stay in touch :)


Sarah x

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Hi Sarah


Yes not too far are u going to Chester uni? Yes I will be going to Keele (hopefully) and I had a brief look online but I read it as in it was in the 3rd year but as soon as I start I will look into the placement and get the ball rolling. Organisation and enthusiasm may get us that little bit further because I know spaces are limited and priority given to Australian residents of course.


So do u have a place in the uni? I guess u would of submitted interest through ucas for academic year sept2014?


Same here my kids mean the world and wouldn't want to be apart from them but sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture because financially if we can afford to fund it (visas/insurance/accommodation etc) it would be silly to rule it out just yet. Would like to keep the option open and it's there if I choose to go if not then all wouldn't be lost however have been reading stories on here about during the placement being in the last year the student has been told once fully qualified there is a place there for them in that hospital on a 457 visa and subsequent sponsored perm resident visa after a time frame.


Ideal situation is to have a job set up for when you get there of course so it will be weighing up the pro and con's of it all.


I think your doing the right thing in getting things organised as early as possible


Laura xx

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Hoping to get into Chester but waiting to hear :/ If not my next option is Keele; to start in Sept ideally, although they do have 2nd intake in March and as we are going to Perth in Feb I am kind of thinking it may be wise to start in March? I've read the same thing about the 457 visa then PR so do have this in the back of my mind! Although tbh I am thinking it would be less risky to apply initially for 189 visa?


PS if you need any help with the access just give me a shout there have been times I have honestly thought I could do it!

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Thanks I will definitely be asking for help haha! Feel over welded and keep thinking to myself that I will never be able to do it but that's self doubt for you. Just got to keep thinking I can ?


Sorry is the second intake of march for Chester or keele? I kept thinking I would never be able to compete with the 18 year old fresh out of college but have been told by several different people that the average age of nursing students is 29 onwards. So I will be 29 when I start so hoping that's a good sign haha.


I keep hearing about reccie. ...what is this?


Our friends moving back over to oz who have PR visas (yes they are ping pongers haha) so they have invited us for holiday and when we hopefully arrive a place to stay whilst looking for rentals etc so that would be good x

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Second intake is Chester, not sure if Keele do 2 intakes as well? I'm 31 and had so much self doubt - still do sometimes but the group are so supportive which really helps! It when you get distinctions it spurs you on to keep going!


I have learnt its ALL about the personal statement! Are you doing any volunteering too as they like that as well?


The reccie trip we are doing is to check things out, maybe visit a couple of hospitals etc. My eldest will be due to attend uni so we were planning on visiting a few Uni's too. also want to check out the areas, really like NOR but SOR have the new Fiona Stanley Hospital and from what I understand Rockingham have a new hospital in 2015 too?


fortunately we have friends over there too but with my brood we plan on getting a holiday home!!!


How old are you kiddies, what does your hubby do?

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I am a bit of a organisation freak lol I have already started on my personnel statement ? and started volunteering last week at a local care home. I am doing one day a week and have a interview with the NHS to do voluntary work in the wards there on a Sunday morning on the 6th march....also on top of a 3 day part time job and two nights at college come September....hope I can do it!! Eek!!


How old are your children? I have two girls ages 4 years and 7 months and my husband is in the property maintenance trade for 9 years we were going to go down this route with him doing a AQF level 3 Cert first but we were not 100% sure we would of been successful so decided I could take time off work and focus on this and then if we end up migrating good if not we would be better off because I really have wanted to be a nurse for ages. So the dream has been delayed by 4 years but should just snip in there at 32 years old before we lose points at turning 33.


So a reccie trip is to scope out the area in terms of work/school and area etc. Xx

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I too like to be organised! I do voluntary work too and work as a childminder after school as well as do my GCSE english and maths 2 evenings a week and my access course 4 days a week - not going to lie its tough keeping so many balls up in the air especially as I don't think I give my kids all of me every day; which I hate! I'll be 35 when we can get out there :( But still manage to have enough points, just!


My kiddies are 16yr, 5yr and almost 2!



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I still haven't had my gcse situation clarified because I got a D grade in school but in 2008 I did key skills 2 numeracy at got a certificate. One reply came back saying as it was over 5 years old it was void and wouldn't count as a entry certificate but the next reply I had from another lady from the admissions team was it would be accepted so I sent another email stating first and could they clarify. Also didn't understand it because a gcse would be accepted if I had gained a C grade in 2002 however the one gained in 2008 wouldn't be.... so confusing... I got a further x5 C grade gcse's and with the access course and voluntary work will be looked at favourably for a place. Hopefully if I get declined I don't know what I will do cause nursing and the Australian dream is over then ?


Bloody hell your doing loads too and don't worry I bet your children know why your doing it and you'll all be better off in a few years time.


I am a little sad to think in just 4 weeks my youngest I am not going to see for 4 days a week ? x

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Don't worry about being an older student. I didn't start uni (Chester) till I was 33 and there was a lot of mature adults. We had to do group interviews and in my group there was 4 of us. The other 3 were young without dependants and the interviewer said I might struggle as I have other commitments. By the end of our 2nd trimester, the other 3 had left. As a mature student you might have other things in your life but you are committed and that's what counts. I'm not saying your people aren't committed because they are. My point is when you've got life experience, you manage your time effectively.


Good luck to both of you. And if you need any help with anything, uni work/interviews inc just ask. If I can help I will.



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Thanks Debs for your message.


Makes me feel a bit better and yes life experience we have and it's a advantage. I mean as far as I look at it I wouldn't put myself through this at my age if I wasn't committed and if it wasn't something I have dreamed about doing.


Definitely will pick your brain closer to the time though ? xx

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Its so nice to hear that you started when you were 33 Debs! Didn't realise you were up this way too! What hospital did you work in when you were a student? The waiting is the most painful part - haven't heard if I've been accepted yet; Chester is first choice! :wink:


I worked at Warrington and Halton. We didn't get a choice of which site so could be either but to be honest, there's more going on at Warrington.



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