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Proof of Residence for High Schools when Living in Holiday Accommodation


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Can anyone share their experience of how they managed to land in Perth, rent short term furnished accommodation and register their kids at a High and Primary Schools? Is this even possible or do we have to have that long term rental contract and utility bills before they will even consider us? Obviously this could take some time!


Edited by Alienmigration
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From what I have read, you need a Long term rental and proof of bills, etc. Just accept that your kids will be enjoying a bit a of a holiday when they get there. This is what we are planning on doing.


I can partly understand why the schools do this but it's not ideal for those who aren't living in temporary accommodation just to get their kids into the catchment school of their choice. What happens if it's 3 months + ? It's a bit of a long time for kids to be out of school isn't it. I don't know how it will work with mine. We'll be staying with family and I don't want them out of school too long when we arrive as they will have already had a month off.

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Hi, for us (primary school only) we needed a long term rental agreement. We managed to secure a rental within about 3 weeks, so it wasnt too much of a problem. Whilst I completely understand the worry of having kids out of school for too long, I think it is important not to get too hung up on it. Dont forget it is a big change for them as well and there is nothing wrong with spending a bit of time getting yourself settled and sorted in the right place (perhaps a bit more pressure if they are entering exams soon though). The kids will catch up at school, take the time to find the right one. Mine did 2 summer holidays in a year so effectively had 3 months off school for the summer breaks (UK and Aus) and also had 5 weeks off when we moved over, (half term in the UK, week after half term when we moved out of our house and stayed with my parents before we flew and 3 weeks when we got here), they are all doing fine at school now though and are very happy. Enjoy the time as a family, most of us dont get the opportunity very often!

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We managed to get my son in while we were in a holiday let. I as able to shows the email of confirmation if the three week let and I spoke to the Principal myself and promised we were looking for a long term within the catchment. Its the West Country charm see! I knowof others who got refused. I think it is important to get them straight into school,

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I think it depends on the school but both of our the primary and high schools would not even consider the children until we had our long term rental sorted. The primary school did let the kids start before we had physically moved in though, we signed our lease agreement three weeks before we were due to be handed the keys and the primary principal said that was fine, but we could not get our eldest into High School until the actual moving in date. Be prepared that they might be off school, then once you are here start to look and ask questions and you never know they might be able to start earlier. We just used the time as family holiday time and the time went really quick.


Like Weston Clan said mine had the UK six weeks off school, then started Oz school early Sept then had two weeks off in Sept/Oct, then had six weeks off at Xmas and they are all doing fine and are all doing really well in school.


Moving to the other side of the World is a big thing and the kids are not being given a say in what is going on. By the time mine started school they were ready to go back, but by having time off school it meant they could relax and deal with the big thing they had just gone through without the extra worry of starting a new school and trying to make new friends. Yes kids are resilient, but they still have to go through the process of leaving family and friends behind and moving to another country. Since we have been here all three of mine have had their "moment", when they have broken down and cried and cried and cried and we thought they were handling it really well, but it does affect them, so maybe a few weeks of enjoying their new life might just make it a bit easier for them.

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This is really helpful guys. I'm not getting too hung up on getting them into school as soon as we land but mine get a bit loopy being at home all the time and my SIL will have just had a baby. So better they are in school as soon as possible and I think it will help them make friends / settle.

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Thanks everybody for your replies. Everybody has great advice and interesting experiences. I totally agree about giving them some time to acclimate but unfortunately they would already have had 2.5 months off before we even arrive. My main dilemma is that my 9 year old (will be 10) will fleet up to Year 5 which means he will have missed 3/4 of Year 5 before we even arrive which is a little scary. My eldest will have to repeat 3 months of Year 7 and then move to a new High school. All begins to do your head in after awhile! :chatterbox:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest dwaynesandoval

I never have been to Perth, but I was in Brisbane for nearly a month with my distant relative and had hired out an apartment through "Cottage Reservations UK". Since I have heard that some online portals are quite efficient and effective to provide you the exact information and even do the reservation for you. You could also get in contact with them for long term rental services.

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I'm planning on staying with my sister when we move over and don't really have a time limit in mind for moving out, it may be 1 month but it may be 6! We plan on finding a long term rental within the same catchment area ultimately to help with the school run etc but do you think a letter from my sister and from the bank (as I will be opening an account whilst staying there) would suffice??

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