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Coeliac and insurance


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Hi everyone, myself, OH and 3 kids (8,6 and 3) are considering starting the journey to a new life in Perth and are busy doing lots of research - this site has been amazing!

We have contacted an agent who doesn't think the fact my eldest daughter has coeliac disease (can't eat wheat, barley, rye or gluten) will be an issue for the visa but I'm wondering if medical insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions such as this? She needs regular checks of her blood and her oesophagus.


Also I've heard Australia cater really well for gluten free diets is that right?

Thanks in advance!

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Ha had to re write I read your post wrong, no I shouldn't think it'll be a problem, I know children who are diabetic and have had no problems. I know it's different but as long as your not draining the health care they don't really worry x

Edited by cocolevi
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Really I'm surprised that an agent said that I know people who's children are diabetic and have no problems x


They said it should be a problem and visa probably be ok I'm just wondering if it will be really costly to manage in Australia or if anyone has experience of insurers covering pre-existing conditions like coeliac disease.

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Blood tests can be done by your Dr. (generally bulk billed unless a specialist test), if your daughter requires specialist monitoring then you can get your Dr. to refer her to Princess Maragret Hospital (public) and the largest childrens health provider.


You may find that private health insurers have a wait period for existing conditions

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Hi, my little girl has gluten issues, not diagnosed as coeliac at the moment, but currently being re-challenged. It was a process we started in the UK before applying for our visa and we had no issues with the visa side of things. We simply took all the medical letters we had discussing the tests done to date and the diagnosis so far to our medicals, the Drs werent concerned at all as it is not something that is a long term drain on the health system here. In terms of insurance, yes you can get cover for existing conditions, you generally just have to go through the 'waiting' period first, I cant remember exactly now but I think it was a year before you could make a claim on an existing condition. However as Ali said your best bet would be to get a referral to Princess Margaret Children's Hospital when you arrive here, its a bit of a wait to get on to someone's list, but once you are in you will be seen as much as is necessary and it is all free as it is on the public system, we waited around 4 months to get our first appointment there.


Food wise we have found it to be much better than the UK in terms of what you can get and it seems to be available in more places, which has made life much easier :-)


Hope that helps!

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