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Newbies waiting for assessment results.


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Hiya all,


Thought we'd say hello and see if anybody else is at the early stages of their application.


we've applied for a 190 PV which AIM are currently assessing and would like to move to Perth in early 2017.


Is anybody else in the same situation? We are currently practicing the IELTS test papers.....:arghh:


Any advice would be much appreciated.....



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Hi VeryStormy,

i realise now my mistake..... I should've put ' we are applying' not 'we've applied'.....

we're still at the very early stages of the process and are waiting for our skills assessment...

Was wondering if anyone else out there is also waiting (and practising v hard....) for the IELTS.....

many thanks


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Hi Rob,

glad someone else is in a similar boat...! The initial paperwork had us tearing out our hair what with getting it certified aswell.

are you using an agent? We are and hoping to get the response within the next 2 weeks.

my next career move is level 3 plumbing and I'm trying to get some experience on board. Also hoping to do the refrigeration / air con if we get the go ahead.....

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yeah we are using go matilda,ive not really done anything yet apart from started to get some work referances together from customers, previous employers and builders etc i sub contract to,i am self employed plumber have been for 10yrs, been plumber for last 20 yrs though,i currently only have level 2 plumbing but have done gas safe training and hopefully do exam later this year.

Agent thinks with my work history i should have no problems,are you main applicant?

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heard good things about Go Matilda....

our agent said same thing to us with my quals but am having a career change and hoping to do level 3 plumbing later this year. but am aware when we get there (hopefully!) I'll need to resit their plumbing exams.....

good luck.....

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Hi all, I've just started the process with go matilda, can't do much until I get the results from my dissertation in july. We are just gathering paperwork together for ANMAC at the minute ready to submit. They have been really good so far, very helpful and quick to reply. We would like to aim for summer 2016

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Hi @Bemmy - we're at skills assessmenrt stage as well with TRA though they failed us and we have submitted an appeal. IELTS was done last year so this is all we are waiting on so that we can submit our visa application. Hoping to be out there, well asap, just depending on this all moving quickly :) Good luck with your application and IELTS xx

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well done for resubmitting the assessment - hopefully it'll be successful this time it must be very disappointing getting a knock back. Did they give you any feedback for the appeal?

We're using AIM and so far they haven't replied (5 wks) so practising for the tests and trying to stay positive......

Has anyone started looking into suburbs, schools etc?

good luck everyone - and we're pleased we're all in the same boat (in the nicest sense....)

have a good weekend...

amanda and paul

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