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Tapping, surrounding suburbs and work


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I was wondering if anyone could help me with some info about tapping and surrounding suburbs.

We are a family of 5, two girls ages 11 and 5 and a 2 year old boy. We had our visas granted and moved to brisbane. My husband was working a lot and I got too lonely so we ended up returning to the UK.

Now we have been back for nearly a year and have seen that nothing has changed in the UK and believe we made an error returning.

We are discussing going back to Oz but the Perth this time. We have both said if we go we will not return to the UK as it would be unfair to the children. All our kids loved oz life. 

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on tapping and surrounding suburbs? I’m struggling finding where the nearest public high school (not private) is? 

My husband is a carpenter, is there a lot of work that way? He would not mind travelling to Perth or even further south.

is it easy to make friends? I have heard there is a lot of us poms that way?

Any info anyone can give me would be very much appreciated 

Thank you!




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Hi cara

me and my wife and 3 bhoys moved to oz in October 2015 and moved to carramar which is a great area and just across from tapping which are both nice areas,I m also a carpenter,I had worked for a high end builder when I arrived but the builder has ran out of work as he used to build 10-20 houses(28 in 2010)a year but will build 1 this year ,there has been a massive slow down in the house building and most houses don t have a lot of joinery work in them and rates are at the lowest in years

for me it s very similar to the recession in the uk from 2008 onwards 

i have been on the commercial sites which has been a nightmare for me as I ve always worked for myself,because of the shortage of work the subbies are taking the piss and most are paying the lowest in years

best of luck

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  • 9 months later...


I have just read your post. My husband is a carpenter also. We are looking at moving over in 2019 and have been researching Tapping and surrounding areas. Any updates on best public schools around those areas, and also has the work front improved or set to improve anytime soon. He also has plenty of form work experience. 

Any info appreciated


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