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Early 50s couple looking to make City friends

Pauline & Chris

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We are moving out to Perth from NZ on 9th May. We are originally British (Welsh and Scottish with a bit of South African thrown-in). We have already arranged for an apartment in Wellington St so will be looking to explore the city centre. Looking for live music or shows or anything entertaining. Very young at heart. Does anyone have meet-ups for drinks. We have decided to leave sleepy old NZ and head for warmer and livelier climes. I think we might be looking like two lost puppies for the first few months though. Any thoughts on the best ways to meet people?


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On ‎13‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 13:57, Pauline & Chris said:

We are moving out to Perth from NZ on 9th May. We are originally British (Welsh and Scottish with a bit of South African thrown-in). We have already arranged for an apartment in Wellington St so will be looking to explore the city centre. Looking for live music or shows or anything entertaining. Very young at heart. Does anyone have meet-ups for drinks. We have decided to leave sleepy old NZ and head for warmer and livelier climes. I think we might be looking like two lost puppies for the first few months though. Any thoughts on the best ways to meet people?


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