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Kindy advice for a 4 year old near Padbury


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We arrived in Perth one week ago and are currently staying with relatives.  We are hoping to get a rental in the Padbury area in November. Our son turned 4 early October, is there any advice on how to check school ratings and how to apply for a school / kindy place for him.  In the UK he went to nursery 2 day's a week,  I believe he will start at Kindy a couple of day's a week here until he turns 5 when full time school starts - Any advice welcome.

Many thanks

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Hi, your son will be able to start Kindy in February after the summer holidays.  4 year old Kindy is normally at the school here.  There are 4 primary schools so depending on where about in Padbury you get a Rental.  there is Padbury Primary, South Padbury Primary and Bambara, and also the Private Catholic school. At our school kids either go Mon Tues and every 2nd Wed or Thurs, Fri and every 2nd Wed.  Check on here for school ratings


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