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189 PR Expirying - RRV


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Hi All,

So it has been ages since I posted on here and it looks like to forum has really slowed down, such a shame. Looks like I am not the only one that has not immigrated due to the downturn in industry.

Anyway, I am looking for a bit of advise as my must not arrive date is 04/02/2021 and I can't see myself moving before then.

I travelled to Perth in November 2016. I arrived in Perth on 13/11/2016 and departed 19/11/2016. I am now looking to apply for a RRV but it is likely that I will only get a 3 month RRV which is not much use to me.

The condition of the RRV is that you must not of been outside Aus for more than 5 years so I am wondering if I should make a quick trip over before my 189 runs out in Feb next year. From what I know, that would then give me another 5 years where I could apply for a 3 month RRV. Is this correct?



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10 hours ago, verystormy said:

I would run this past a agent as you do not meet the criteria to get an rrv at all. To obtain any rrv you need to have lived in Oz for 2 of the last 5 years or be able to show strong and ongoing ties. 


Thanks for the reply, I think that is what I will do.

With regards to an RRV, does it run from the approval date of the RRV or does it start from the expiry date of the 189 PR?

For example, if I applied for a 1 year RRV just now and it was granted - would I then have until 04/02/2022 (189 expires 04/02/2022) or would it be valid for 1 year from now?



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It runs from the day it is granted. Also, I don’t understand the bit in your original comment about it giving you another 5 years. It doesn’t. It gives you the length of the rrv. So, if you are granted a 3 month rrv, you have 3 months. Even if you make the move in that time, you would need a further rrv even to go on holiday outside Australia until you qualify for citizenship 

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Well, I would attempt an RRV first as the cost difference is huge. But, yes, if you still meet the criteria then you can reapply. Note though, things have changed a lot since you last applied. The age limit has reduced and the minimum points gone up. Also, just getting minimum points now will not get a visa. The minimum now needed to get a 189 invite is 90 points

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