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north or south suburbs??

Guest debbie13

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Guest debbie13

Ok, I keep changing my mind from north and south, from Tapping to Atwell. Both areas look nice and have good reviews. Is there anyone who has lived in North and south who could offer advice on which they prefer and why. So many lovely areas in Perth!!!:confused:

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Guest SueRich



Unfortunately I might not be much help as I am also asking myself the 'where to live' question so I will definately be keeping an eye on your post to see what replies you receive!


I've heard that most Brits move to the northern suburbs. I've been doing a bit of research and have looked at the Aussie Moves website and Local Voices Real Estate website which both give you a bit of info on suburbs and I found these quite helpful. I've also looked at the Western Australia Police website to find out crime statistics for the areas on my list (and it is a long list!)


I suppose it will also depend on what type of job you will be doing when you get to Perth. I currently work as an administrator for the NHS and would like to continue in the same line of work so I have been looking at suburbs with nearby hospitals.


Good Luck!



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My advice is to try and be flexible until you have a firm job offer. That really is the most important thing. Then when that happens you can make a firm commitment to north or south. We are south and love it and I have many friends in the south that also do, and I also have many friends in the northern suburbs who love it, so Im no help either really:embarressed: I was lucky I loved the first area I visited but there are many that changes their minds when they got here so try and wait and see if you can. My Oh got two firm job offers SOR so that kind of made our minds up.:wubclub:

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