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Are you able to bring contraceptive pills into Oz????

Guest happyV

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Hey all,


I would really appreciate it if anyone could help! Can you bring contraceptive pills into Australia, in your checked luggage? If so, is there a restriction on how much? Do you need proof of prescription?


Thank you!!!


V x

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Oh that's great, thank you! So you didn't need a docs letter or anything like that? I actually have a whole year's supply but didn't know if that would be pushing it!! I take it you just put them in your checked luggage?


Thanks again, appreciate the help!!

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Guest Chinkerbell

I brought a years worth of inhalers.....and my hubbys full supply of nicotine patches! Never entered out head to check and see if we could or couldnt! Had read somewhere that to make sure you get all your prescriptions before you come, to save a bit of money....glad we did.....lol

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