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application for school enrolment advice please

Oz Dollar

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If you staying in a rental for less than 12 months can you still enrole your child in a school. Only the school called Churchlands Senior High says not on the web site.

Can anyone tell me which other school's will take you with less rental agreement?


I am a little stressed so sorry if this has been asked before. My son is just 14 years old.


Also do you have to waite till you arrive in Perth or will schools let you enrole from the Uk?

look forward to your relpy

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If you staying in a rental for less than 12 months can you still enrole your child in a school. Only the school called Churchlands Senior High says not on the web site.

Can anyone tell me which other school's will take you with less rental agreement?


I am a little stressed so sorry if this has been asked before. My son is just 14 years old.


Also do you have to waite till you arrive in Perth or will schools let you enrole from the Uk?

look forward to your relpy


Churchlands is pretty much the top school in WA so demand for places will be really high,they will be very strict about living in zone and I guess they have learnt that people will take a 6 month rental in the very expensive area around the school just to secure a place and then move out of zone. We have found some schools accommodating in talking to us from the UK so I would look at a few areas and try contacting different schools. From what we have been told schools will put you on their list but only confirm enrollment once you are living in zone. Private schools are different as they don't have a zone to worry about but most of the good ones have lengthy waiting lists.


It is difficult - good luck.

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If you have a long term rental (i.e not a holiday rental but one you are using as a permanent address) in the catchment area and you have proof of this, they cannot refuse to take you -you`re child is entitled to an education. If they do refuse you can appeal the decision with the department of ed. Most state schools would not enrol a student without them being in the country - proof of address in the catchment area is part of the enrolment process plus you will probably need an enrolment interview with the student present.

Edited by gobbyjock
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Been here in Perth since May this year. Spoke to the local high school (Carine) and was told that we couldnt enrol our son until we had the tennancy agreement. As soon as we had that they interviewed us and he was given a place the following week. All went smoothly. I would strongly suggest that if you bring any work books that your child had in the UK. We have had a bit of messing about placing our son into the appropriate 'sets'. Apparently they could have used his work books to assess.

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As we are in a hol rental which other schools are in the area for me to try please? Public not Private please

Churchlands is pretty much the top school in WA so demand for places will be really high,they will be very strict about living in zone and I guess they have learnt that people will take a 6 month rental in the very expensive area around the school just to secure a place and then move out of zone. We have found some schools accommodating in talking to us from the UK so I would look at a few areas and try contacting different schools. From what we have been told schools will put you on their list but only confirm enrollment once you are living in zone. Private schools are different as they don't have a zone to worry about but most of the good ones have lengthy waiting lists.


It is difficult - good luck.

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Personally I would wait til you get here then go to the school and ask for an enrolment pack - if they refuse to enrol the student because you are not in a permanent address within the catchment area ask them to give their reasons in writing (they are supposed to give you an answer within 48hrs of you applying and any refusal should be in writing), make and appeal in writing to the Dept of Ed stress that you are looking for a rental in the area and that 3 months is too long to go without your child attending school - the education and welfare of the child should come first and that is normally the view that the DOE will take. Be firm and stand your ground.

Edited by gobbyjock
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Our school asked for a utility bill in our name, when I explaned that we were in a holiday let and there were no bills, they asked for a copy of the email that the owner of the holiday rental sent me confirming our lease. We only had the holiday let for one month. However I know others that have followed me, have not been able to do this and have had to pretend they are staying with other families within the catchment area to get themselves into the school.

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Proof of a permanent address is a part of the enrolment process and the schools can you refuse you if you don`t have a permanent address within the area , however you have the right to appeal that decision and in my experience the DOE will often back the parent (not always but often). It really bugs me how some schools seem to get away with not following proper process - remember they should reply within 48 hrs of receiving your application and any refusal should be in writing stating their reasons for refusing you, the letter should also tell you how to appeal. If they don`t follow that procedure complain to the DOE.

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If you staying in a rental for less than 12 months can you still enrole your child in a school. Only the school called Churchlands Senior High says not on the web site.

Can anyone tell me which other school's will take you with less rental agreement?


I am a little stressed so sorry if this has been asked before. My son is just 14 years old.


Also do you have to waite till you arrive in Perth or will schools let you enrole from the Uk?

look forward to your relpy


As far as I know as long as you have some written proof that you are in your particular address then that should be all good for school applications. We arrived from the uk 18 months ago and have been in two schools. The new school my boy is now at, we moved in on the Thursday and he changed schools on the Monday. All we had was a letter from the property Manager that proved we had taken up a new lease. Your situation sounds quite odd. Written evidence should be enough. Best of luck

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As far as I know as long as you have some written proof that you are in your particular address then that should be all good for school applications. We arrived from the uk 18 months ago and have been in two schools. The new school my boy is now at, we moved in on the Thursday and he changed schools on the Monday. All we had was a letter from the property Manager that proved we had taken up a new lease. Your situation sounds quite odd. Written evidence should be enough. Best of luck

Sorry I didn''t answer your last bit. You can make contact with the school and they will confirm wether their are any places but an official application can not be made until you are in the country and have an address. It tends to all fall into place tough. No matter how stressful it seems now. Take care

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Personally I would wait til you get here then go to the school and ask for an enrolment pack - if they refuse to enrol the student because you are not in a permanent address within the catchment area ask them to give their reasons in writing (they are supposed to give you an answer within 48hrs of you applying and any refusal should be in writing), make and appeal in writing to the Dept of Ed stress that you are looking for a rental in the area and that 3 months is too long to go without your child attending school - the education and welfare of the child should come first and that is normally the view that the DOE will take. Be firm and stand your ground.


Thank you for your advice. I was not sure how the system worked in Oz thank you.

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As far as I know as long as you have some written proof that you are in your particular address then that should be all good for school applications. We arrived from the uk 18 months ago and have been in two schools. The new school my boy is now at, we moved in on the Thursday and he changed schools on the Monday. All we had was a letter from the property Manager that proved we had taken up a new lease. Your situation sounds quite odd. Written evidence should be enough. Best of luck


Thank you for your reply. I hope your boy settle's in his new school. Best of luck.

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I suspect it is because it is Churchlands - one of the top Govt schools. I know Rossmoyne also ask for a years rental agreement. Places are highly sort after so they have tightened the rules. Schools that have places will be less strict.


I will have to check out some other schools in the area.

But I could not see any listed.

I have been told about Shelton Collage. So fingers crossed I get him in. Thank you for your reply.

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I will have to check out some other schools in the area.

But I could not see any listed.

I have been told about Shelton Collage. So fingers crossed I get him in. Thank you for your reply.


Well not in the Shelton Collage catchhment area. More stress to deal with.I will just keep looking.

Thank you ever one for all your help and advice.

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Our school asked for a utility bill in our name, when I explaned that we were in a holiday let and there were no bills, they asked for a copy of the email that the owner of the holiday rental sent me confirming our lease. We only had the holiday let for one month. However I know others that have followed me, have not been able to do this and have had to pretend they are staying with other families within the catchment area to get themselves into the school.


Thank you for your reply. I have decided to rent for 12 months so I can get my son in a good school. Thank you for all your helap and advice. Just hope the school has a place for him now?

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I suspect it is because it is Churchlands - one of the top Govt schools. I know Rossmoyne also ask for a years rental agreement. Places are highly sort after so they have tightened the rules. Schools that have places will be less strict.


Yes it is Churchlands. But I have decided to rent for 12 months and just hope they have a space for my son? It is a private rental so hope that is ok with them.

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If you have a permanent address in the catchment area they have to take him - end of! I deal with enrolments at my school and I really do not think the school can stipulate that you need need a 12 month rental before they will take him - I think they are trying it on to stop people moving in to get a place at the school and moving out again. I understand why they are doing it but if you push it with the Dept of Ed I really don`t think they`d have a leg to stand on.

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I know what you`re saying GMB but honestly it`s not about complaining - it`s about appealing - which is something parents are entitled to do and the school should be telling parents how to do that. The school has to put the education of the child first and they are on really shakey ground - saying that though I know some schools do try to pull some stuff where enrolments are concerned in the hope that parents will just accept it and go away. The school cannot penalise the child or parent if an appeal has been upheld - they would be opening themselves up to all sorts of crossfire and most principals are prfessional enough to make sure that doesn`t happen.

Oh jees Im getting off my soapbox now!! (sorry but the way some schools deal with the processes really irks me)

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If you have a permanent address in the catchment area they have to take him - end of! I deal with enrolments at my school and I really do not think the school can stipulate that you need need a 12 month rental before they will take him - I think they are trying it on to stop people moving in to get a place at the school and moving out again. I understand why they are doing it but if you push it with the Dept of Ed I really don`t think they`d have a leg to stand on.

I am glad about that.

Thank you ever so much for your reply, so kind of you.

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