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20 Days and counting !!!!


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Just thought I would hop on here and say a bit about my family and I. We are Welsh, but have been living in NZ for 6yrs. Now hubby has landed a great job in Perth so we are on the move again - this time with alot more than 2 suitcases . . . 2 kids !!

Luckily we have great family living in Perth who moved there last year, and we can stay with them until we find our feet. Although we have been thinking about moving for a while, it has all happened a bit quickly, and it felt like we had a squillion things to do in no time at all.

Well, things are finally starting to fall into place. Just as well, as we fly out from Auckland to Perth on 21st March. I feel like I have been making lists of lists of things to do. My husband starts work on the Perth Airport Construction on the 25th, so hopefully he won't be too jet lagged !

In the past week we have booked the flights, confirmed the shipping company, booked a house cleaner, Booked accomodation for a few nights in NZ, booked car hire in NZ (Car sold!), Sold Car, booked car hire in Perth . . . . . . . . phew !! I just want to get this ball rolling !!!!

I am looking forward to getting to meet up with some on the other Poms on here for a coffee (or wine :biggrin:) once we are settled.

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