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Agents and costs

Guest Sprett86

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Guest Sprett86

Hi was just seeing if anyone could help at all, myself and partner lived in Perth for a couple of years on working holiday visas since returning we have decided we want to go back out and raise our child there, we have been to a migration expert in Chester and they have basically said we have enough points to go forward. The costs that we got of them seem high I understand around £3000-£3500 are fixed such as visa Medicals etc. Could any one help on how much we should be paying for their service and is it worth it or could we do the 190 ourselves, or is it to much hastle!! Any information would be appreciated. Thanks

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My wife and I along with our two children fly out to Perth on April 8th on a PR visa, we used an agent and persoannly I thought it was simply the best way to do it. The figures you mention seem to be about right, I beleive ours was £2,200 to the agent + visa and medicals etc.


My wife wanted to try and apply ourselves but I managed to convince her to go through the agent, providing you get a good one, they make the process a lot more stress free. If a form needs filling in, they tell you, if something is missing, the tell you et etc. A small price to pay in the grand scheme of things.


Good luck to you whatever you decide, we are in Surrey and used a local agent if you want their details?




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Guest Sprett86

Thanks for your reply Adam ye I think that using a expert would probably be the best as they know what to put down onto paper, but the total bill he gave me was £7200 for everything. Is that about right?? I don't mind paying them but I dot wanna be ripped of either as £3400 is visa etc I think £3800 for them to do it is a bit high. Thanks

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I am using a visa agent and find it much easier xxx I used one from the Australia and New Zealand magazine. My sister is using a solicitor to sort hers.


think when all things are done including medicals and police checks (had to pay for four medicals) it will be about £4500


hope this helps

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Guest Sprett86


I am using a visa agent and find it much easier xxx I used one from the Australia and New Zealand magazine. My sister is using a solicitor to sort hers.


think when all things are done including medicals and police checks (had to pay for four medicals) it will be about £4500


hope this helps[/quote


Thanks for your reply ye that's helps is that price all inclusive of migration expert fees as well? Thanks

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Fees vary from case to case with the amount of work required. Some Skills Assessments are a lot more straight forward than others, which would account for the fees being cheaper.


What is your nominated occupation.


The cheapest agent is not the best agent, when choosing an agent, you should make sure that the person dealing with your case is MARA registered, if not you have no comeback when they mess up your case.


Maybe get a few quotes from other agents, recommended agents - try, Go Matilda, Visa Bureau, or Ian Harrop/Overseas Emigration.


Remember you dont have to use an agent if you feel that you can do the process yourselves, but if you are not sure, have a tricky case, or short on time with losing points due to a birthday coming up an agent can be good.


We didnt use an agent, but spoke to one at the start of the process who said that our case was straight forward, but we got our visas before Skill Select came in, and now with your points having to match your EOI, more applications are being withdrawn.


The 190 visa is the safer one as you only need to meet the 60 points pass mark, so can choose not to claim points for work experience if dont need to.

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hey :) we are currently trying to sort our own visas out! Im a practice nurse and the husbands a fitter. we are going on my husband as the visa applicant. He sent the skills assessment off 1 month ago! it took us about 3 weeks to gather all the info we needed and filling the forms in seemed pretty straight forward. however, it needs to be approved yet. we checked everything and it all seemed to be order but Ill let you know how that 1 went for us lol.

Its crazy that agents can charge such a fee, Im hoping we dont have to go down that route because Ive totted the full process up its a hefty bill. were in teesside if your local get in touch and we could share useful info :) Good luck


ooooo its exciting

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Hi there,


We used a migration agent (darren Chatt - http://www.visa-go.com/), who has definately assisted with our migration. We have gone through the entire process and are merely waiting for the visas to come through (any day hopefully)...


The form filling has been and would probably be the most challenging aspect, as well as the correct form type and submission order if you were to do it yourself. You could do it yourself and save the money, but I guess it would take a lot longer to achieve.


The cost from Visa-Go was a 'no visa, no fee' of about £1800. The lady I dealt with at Visa-Go was Sue Tempany, who is very knowledgeable and professional, I suggest giving her a call on 0208 211 4681. Hope that helps and best wishes... :)



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