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School years - how to know which year group your child will go into when we arrive


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After 2 and bit years, we have booked our one way tickets for Perth on 15 July 2013, feeling very excited with just a touch of feeling scared. So flights are sorted, now trying to do the rest. Can any one help me with what school years my children will be in, as I'm trying to research schools so we know where we would like to live (we have a rough idea where, just want to get a good school. In august 2013 which is when they may start depending on spaces, my eldest son will be 14 (28/11/98), my middle son will be 12 (12/5/01) and my daughter will be 8 (12/09/04). Any help would be greatly appreciated.






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After 2 and bit years, we have booked our one way tickets for Perth on 15 July 2013, feeling very excited with just a touch of feeling scared. So flights are sorted, now trying to do the rest. Can any one help me with what school years my children will be in, as I'm trying to research schools so we know where we would like to live (we have a rough idea where, just want to get a good school. In august 2013 which is when they may start depending on spaces, my eldest son will be 14 (28/11/98), my middle son will be 12 (12/5/01) and my daughter will be 8 (12/09/04). Any help would be greatly appreciated.







Hi sarah


I would contact the Wa education department to clarify and give them the D.O.B, but what ever age they seem to be regarding the school starting month, WA seems to be June to June from what i have seen and researched, Adelaide is now May the child tends to go back 1 year level to what they are in the UK. My daughter (born 96)finished and completed school in the Uk but went back to Yr 10 but they put her in Yr 11 in Adelaide due to her grades but in WA she will go back to YR 11.


Hope you understand this LOL. But i would double check as they seem to be doing some changes at the moment in the education i have spoken with some schools in WA last week.

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After 2 and bit years, we have booked our one way tickets for Perth on 15 July 2013, feeling very excited with just a touch of feeling scared. So flights are sorted, now trying to do the rest. Can any one help me with what school years my children will be in, as I'm trying to research schools so we know where we would like to live (we have a rough idea where, just want to get a good school. In august 2013 which is when they may start depending on spaces, my eldest son will be 14 (28/11/98), my middle son will be 12 (12/5/01) and my daughter will be 8 (12/09/04). Any help would be greatly appreciated.







forgot to mention my daughter is 8 (04) she is in YR level 3

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If you have a rough idea where you'll be staying send the school an email - we emailed 3 before we arrived and one was brilliant with their response and very helpful giving us information, getting my daughter a pen pal before she arrived

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After 2 and bit years, we have booked our one way tickets for Perth on 15 July 2013, feeling very excited with just a touch of feeling scared. So flights are sorted, now trying to do the rest. Can any one help me with what school years my children will be in, as I'm trying to research schools so we know where we would like to live (we have a rough idea where, just want to get a good school. In august 2013 which is when they may start depending on spaces, my eldest son will be 14 (28/11/98), my middle son will be 12 (12/5/01) and my daughter will be 8 (12/09/04). Any help would be greatly appreciated.







Eldest will start in Year 9

Middle child will start in year 7

Youngest will start in year 3

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Hi sarah


I would contact the Wa education department to clarify and give them the D.O.B, but what ever age they seem to be regarding the school starting month, WA seems to be June to June from what i have seen and researched, Adelaide is now May the child tends to go back 1 year level to what they are in the UK. My daughter (born 96)finished and completed school in the Uk but went back to Yr 10 but they put her in Yr 11 in Adelaide due to her grades but in WA she will go back to YR 11.


Hope you understand this LOL. But i would double check as they seem to be doing some changes at the moment in the education i have spoken with some schools in WA last week.


Surprised by this. 1996 born children are currently in Year 12 unless they are held back for some reason.

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Surprised by this. 1996 born children are currently in Year 12 unless they are held back for some reason.


why are you surprised by it?? she's July born it does depend on the month the child is born, and i was told only the other day she is probs yr 11 due to the month.

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why are you surprised by it?? she's July born it does depend on the month the child is born, and i was told only the other day she is probs yr 11 due to the month.


They didn't change the entry dates until 1997. Children born in 1996 Year 12, 1st Jan 1997 to 30th June Year 11 and then it goes from 1st July to June 30th thereafter. Current year 11's are only half a years worth of kids due to the changeover. My friends daughter was born in November 1996 and she is in Year 12.

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Guest clpsonoma@yahoo.com



I am an school counselor and administrator expat living in North Perth. Working at West Coast Steiner School. Lovely School which is very international with a European flair. It's has openings for your 8 year old and 12 year old. What grades are they in now and what area are coming from? The north perth area has everything and housing is available still. Independent schools are like the Charter ones in the US. Steiner schools are very well rounded. WCSS has a beautiful campus filled with parents whole really get involved in the school. It's like a private without the heavy cost of a private.


Hope this helps Call the school for a tour if you are interested in a European curriculum. Arts, music, sciences drama preformance etc.



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