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visa accepted woo

Guest jennaclarkson27

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Guest jennaclarkson27

heyyy i have just had my visa accepted today :) I am looking to go the first week in may (counting down the days)

I am 22 years old just wondering if anyone of a similar age is heading out there and what you are doing about living once you arrive?

My interests are socialising, having fun, going to the gym if anyone wants to message me feel free if you are heading out there x

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  • 2 weeks later...
heyyy i have just had my visa accepted today :) I am looking to go the first week in may (counting down the days)

I am 22 years old just wondering if anyone of a similar age is heading out there and what you are doing about living once you arrive?

My interests are socialising, having fun, going to the gym if anyone wants to message me feel free if you are heading out there x



Congratulations! Happy days!

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